October 18, 2023 • 36m
When all of Mikesh’s antics on their anniversary fail to cheer her up, Tanya decides on a life changing career move. Mikesh, in hi...Read more
October 18, 2023 • 28m
Having given Tanya the go ahead for her idea of them moving abroad, Mikesh will now do anything to get her mind off it.
October 18, 2023 • 40m
When Tanya realises Mikesh was going to be of no help in their plans to move abroad, she takes matters in her own hands, leaving M...Read more
October 18, 2023 • 33m
From the multiple reasons cited by Mikesh not to move abroad, Lata wants to know the real reason.
October 18, 2023 • 40m
Lata leaves telling Mikesh and Tanya to confront what ails them. Mikesh rights all his wrongs till there is one last wrong to be righted.