June 12, 2020 • 27m
A surprise visit from his estranged dad sends Frank off the deep end — and into the confession booth.
June 12, 2020 • 29m
On back-to-school night, Frank stews over flashbacks to his fourth-grade play, while Sue fights to get Kevin into a special program for "dim lights."
June 12, 2020 • 28m
Frank struggles to make good on his promises to Bill and Maureen. Vic gets a rude surprise on his first day back at the radio station.
June 12, 2020 • 29m
A lunch date sends Sue even deeper into a funk, Bill discovers a different side of his grandfather, and a desperate Vic offers to record Kevin's band.
June 12, 2020 • 29m
While Frank and his dad tend to an emergency at the airport, Sue spends a maddening night at the hospital, and Bill takes a beatin...Read more
June 12, 2020 • 29m
Frank's pledge to be a better father and husband is tested by one calamity after the next, leading to an epic meltdown at Lamaze class.
June 12, 2020 • 28m
Eager to make his mark as an alderman, Rosie heads to City Hall — only to find out the crooked mayor has his own plans for the Twelfth Ward.
June 12, 2020 • 28m
A string of good luck lifts the mood at the Murphy house. But a family outing to the fourth-grade play unleashes a fresh wave of chaos.
June 12, 2020 • 29m
While Frank and the Mohican crew head to X-ray training in Cleveland, Vic gives Kevin and the band a total makeover for Kweezetoberfest.
June 12, 2020 • 29m
As Sue sets out on a star-crossed trek to the hospital, Frank races to catch a flight home — and vows to settle things with his dad once and for all.