July 7, 2012 • 1h
Cesar's in the UK to help two Jack Russels out of control on walks and around strangers, a rescued street dog over-protective of h...Read more
July 7, 2012 • 1h
Cesar helps Herbie - a biter prosecuted under the Dangerous Dogs Act, two actresses with their badly behaved Alsatians, and a Cock...Read more
July 14, 2012 • 1h
Still in the UK, Cesar helps a Jack Russell terrier who spins and barks when guests arrive, two dogs returning from Africa and hav...Read more
July 21, 2012 • 1h
Before leaving the UK Cesar help to rehabilitate a Klee Kai who lunges and snaps at any dog that comes close, a Collie mix scared ...Read more
July 28, 2012 • 1h
At the Jersey Shore, Cesar must tame a pack of Chinese crested dogs that have their owners’ home in constant chaos, a mastiff mix ...Read more
August 4, 2012 • 1h
Cesar helps a rock musician with his extremely aggressive pit bull so he can have someone watch her while he is on tour, and a com...Read more
August 11, 2012 • 1h
At the Playboy Mansion, Hugh Hefner's girlfriend's Chihuahua mix is bullying Hef’s King Charles spaniel. In Redondo Beach, Miss Fe...Read more
August 18, 2012 • 1h
Cesar helps a group of comedians with their pets: Skyler Stone with his Jack Russell mix and aggressive Maltese-Chihuahua; Ralphie...Read more
August 25, 2012 • 1h
Cesar helps dogs overcome their fears: a deaf and blind Whippet mix who has a hard time navigating the world without five senses, ...Read more
September 1, 2012 • 1h
Ceasar help members of the NASCAR community with their pets: Brian Sacks and his aggressive Pekingese that has everyone running sc...Read more
September 8, 2012 • 1h
Exercise guru Jillian Michaels Chihuahua has become the terror of the beach. She is adopting a two-year-old daughter and wants to ...Read more
September 15, 2012 • 1h
Kelly and Hyrum Lai are worried about their Lab's food aggression and that their 18-month old son could be bitten just for having ...Read more