Season 1 (2015)

Een dunne lijn

March 26, 2015 • 45m

Anna meets a client with whom she really connects. Meanwhile, her sister is heavily pregnant and asks a lot of Anna's attention. S...Read more

Persoonlijke omstandigheden

March 26, 2015 • 45m

During an exclusieve erotic party, Anna leaves early because her sister Claire gave birth. Her best friend Ben suspests Anna has a double life.

Code Rood

April 2, 2015 • 45m

Anna is requested for a BDSM session. Since she has no experience, she gets some lessons from SM master Serona. Anna finds out Ben...Read more

Normale mensen

April 9, 2015 • 45m

Now Ben knows about Anna's secret, he tries his best to accept her lifestyle. He challenges her to take a break for a week, and An...Read more

Optellen en Aftrekken

April 16, 2015 • 45m

Anna is requested for a foursome, but they miss a fourth person. Ben convices Anna that he is the ideal fourth candidate. After mu...Read more

Zonde en berouw

April 23, 2015 • 45m

Rich client Mitch wants Anna for himself alone and offers her serious money and a nice apartment. Claire finds out about Anna's do...Read more