Season 1 (2015)

The Strongest Man In The World

July 5, 2015 • 23m

Piena, the largest nation on the continent, is having its annual ritual dance festival. The semi-finalists and winner are allowed ...Read more

First Journey

July 12, 2015 • 23m

Adlet and the princess head for the Land where Demons Howl, past Gwenbyer, the Kingdom of Iron Hills. Ten days after they leave Pi...Read more

The Girl Who Kills Braves

July 19, 2015 • 23m

The heroes, or most of them, meet up. Many of them want to kill Flamie, but she barely survives. Meanwhile, the king of Gwenbyer h...Read more

The Heroes Gather

July 26, 2015 • 23m

The Braves head for the barrier temple, but they encounter a massive army of fiends along the way. To seal the fiends in, they'll ...Read more

The Seventh Brave

August 2, 2015 • 23m

The Six Braves have gathered, but the phantasmal barrier has been activated. With only one means of deactivating the barrier, the ...Read more

A Trap and a Rout

August 9, 2015 • 23m

With the others suspicious of him, Adlet must convince them that he is not a traitor. But to do that, he must discover how the tem...Read more

The Reasons of the Two

August 16, 2015 • 23m

Adlet flees into the jungle to escape the other 6 braves. He talks with Flamie about her past. Is she the false brave?

The Average Man and the Genius

August 23, 2015 • 23m

Adlet fights Hans, who finally realizes that he's not the false brave. Chamot, however, is not so easily convinced.

Blossoms of Doubt

August 30, 2015 • 23m

Chamot summons a horde of monsters to kill Adlet and Hans. Adlet comes up with an answer to the mystery, which Flamie shoots down.

Desperate Situation

September 6, 2015 • 23m

Maura tricks Nachetanya into going insane and trying to murder Adlet. Adlet declares his undying love for Flamie.


September 13, 2015 • 23m

Nachetanya decides that Adlet has betrayed her, and launches a full-on attack. Only Flamie can protect him from the combined might...Read more

The Time to Reveal the Answer

September 20, 2015 • 23m

Having revealed "how" the seventh managed to trick the Braves, the only question left for Adlet to answer is, "Who is the seventh?"