July 12, 2014 • 22m
Saburou Nobunaga
July 19, 2014 • 22m
Episode 2 of Season 1 premiered on July 19, 2014
July 26, 2014 • 22m
Episode 3 of Season 1 premiered on July 26, 2014
August 2, 2014 • 22m
Episode 4 of Season 1 premiered on August 2, 2014
August 9, 2014 • 22m
Saburou tries to take Mino by force and fails because of Inabayama castle. He's rejoined by Matsudaira Takechiyo the womanizer. Sa...Read more
August 16, 2014 • 22m
The original Nobunaga contacts Saburou and enters his service under the name of Akechi Mitsuhide while keeping his face hidden. Th...Read more
August 23, 2014 • 22m
Oichi, now married to Azai Nagamasa, has a daughter Chacha. Saburou names four generals: Shibata Katsuie, Niwa Nagahide, Mitsuhide...Read more
August 30, 2014 • 22m
After conquering Kanegasaki during the Asakura campaign, the Oda forces are facing a pincer manoeuvre due to the treacherous Azai ...Read more
September 13, 2014 • 22m
The Oda move out against Azai HQ, Odani Castle, but it's too well fortified so they target Yokoyama instead. Azai receives reinfor...Read more
September 20, 2014 • 22m
The younger sons of Mori Yoshinari become Saburou's pages (including Ranmaru), the eldest son Nagayoshi becoming a general. Saburo...Read more