Season 1 (2015)

Worlds Collide

February 8, 2015 • 45m

We travel from prehistoric Austrailia thru the Aboriginals to the British colony in 1790 thru 1808

Break Out

February 22, 2015 • 45m

We journey through 1837 to 1854, as wool drives British expansion across the continent. Australia begins to break free from its co...Read more

Fair Go

March 1, 2015 • 45m

As we journey through 1862-1890, gold brings new wealth to Australian colonies and AFL is born.

New Nation At War

March 8, 2015 • 45m

In the years 1915-1918, our nation throws itself into a global conflict that will decide Australia's fate and leave a historic mar...Read more

Hard Roads To Glory

March 15, 2015 • 45m

From 1928-1942, Australia emerges from WWI. Charles Kingsford Smith attempts to cross the Pacific, the Sydney Harbour Bridge nears...Read more

Nation Building

March 22, 2015 • 45m

Holden, Lang Hancock, Sydney Opera House, Snowy Mountains Scheme, Melbourne Olympics and Television.

Revolution: 1956 to 1974

January 1, 1970 • 45m

Rock ‘n’ Roll Riot, Beach Wars, The Rise of the Larrikin, Evonne Goolagong, Cyclone Tracy.

New Frontiers: 1975 to 2015

January 1, 1970 • 45m

Operation Babylift, America’s Cup, Exporting Australia, Bionic Ear, Sydney Olympics.