February 20, 2015 • 30m
Years after mysteriously disappearing, Triumph shows up and convinces Jack to capitalize on their former fame at an autograph convention.
February 27, 2015 • 30m
After learning about a coffee made from beans that have passed through civet cats, Triumph and Jack embark on a new business venture.
March 6, 2015 • 30m
With stories about racism in the news, Triumph believes he has an idea about making Jack famous again.
March 13, 2015 • 30m
When Triumph encounters Siri on June's new iPad, he tries desperately to break the app's unflappable spirit.
March 20, 2015 • 30m
After getting a whiff of Paul Sorvino's pants at a restaurant, Triumph becomes obsessed with satisfying his craving for more.
March 27, 2015 • 30m
When June kicks Triumph outside, forcing him into a dog house, he feels he has no choice but to burn the dog house down.
April 3, 2015 • 30m
Triumph tricks Jack into filming a commercial in Irkutsk, Siberia, where "Triumph's Boy" remains wildly popular.