August 6, 2004 • 1h
The story begins in 60AD when a brutal assault on Boudicca and her daughters turned the queen into a rebel leader. It was perfect ...Read more
August 13, 2004 • 1h
The story starts in January of 1066. Following the death of King Edward the Confessor, Harold seized control of England.The move e...Read more
August 20, 2004 • 1h
By 1400, Wales had been ruled by English kings for over a century. Laws dictated where in Wales the Welsh could live, what jobs th...Read more
August 27, 2004 • 1h
Led by the Duke of Medina Sidonia, the Spaniards planned to sweep the Queen of England from her throne. All that stood in their wa...Read more
September 3, 2004 • 1h
By 1645, the British Isles had been torn apart by fighting between the Royalists, who supported Charles I and his Divine Right to ...Read more
September 10, 2004 • 1h
By 1688, Roman Catholic King James II had so alienated the Protestant majority of England that they ousted him from the throne. At...Read more
September 17, 2004 • 1h
Peter and Dan Snow venture to the Highlands of Scotland and use state-of-the-art graphics to recreate the 1746 Battle of Culloden ...Read more
September 24, 2004 • 1h
The final instalment looks to the skies and the RAF's struggle to prevent a Nazi invasion in the darkest days of WWII when Britain stood alone.