Season 9 (1990)

An Edge of Conspiracy

January 17, 1990 • 50m

Was the last prisoner of Spandau Prison in Berlin really Rudolf Hess, one time deputy to Adolf Hitler, or a doppelganger put in hi...Read more

Napoleon's Last Battle

February 21, 1990 • 1h 5m

Timewatch explores the myth of the man who had a vision of a united Europe 175 years ago.

Hungary: The End of Silence

March 21, 1990 • 1h

The Communist party of Hungary has been forced to surrender its monopoly on truth, but it still controls access to the official ar...Read more

Accounts of a Forgotten Army

September 5, 1990 • 50m

In 1945 the German State and its army disappeared. Recently, harrowing tales from Germans who were prisoners in American camps at ...Read more

Helping the Police with Their Enquiries

September 19, 1990 • 50m

In the USA it is becoming standard practice for police to call in archaeologists and anthropologists with their skills at excavati...Read more

The Sipan Affair

October 3, 1990 • 50m

In January 1987 a band of grave robbers broke into a royal tomb at Sipan in northern Peru. The treasure they plundered was worth m...Read more

I Don't Want to Be Remembered As a Chair

October 17, 1990 • 50m

On the shore of Sabbathday Lake in Maine lives a religious community of nine men and women. They are the last practising Shakers -...Read more

All the King's Jews

October 31, 1990 • 50m

Seven hundred years ago tomorrow - on 1 November 1290 - the Jews were expelled from England. Christopher Andrew unfolds the extrao...Read more

A War Far from Home

November 14, 1990 • 50m

In 1914-15 138,000 Indians fought on the Western Front. More than a quarter were casualties. We know what the ordinary soldier fel...Read more

One of the Reasons Why

November 28, 1990 • 50m

Charles Wheeler tells how the colonial policy of the post-war Labour government led to the start of a 30-year war in Vietnam.

White Man's Grave, Black Man's Grave

December 12, 1990 • 49m

On January 23 1915, black insurgents broke into a house on the biggest plantation in British colonial Nyasaland. The rebels killed...Read more

Episode 50

January 1, 1970

Episode 50 of Season 9 premiered on January 1, 1970

Episode 94

January 1, 1970

Episode 94 of Season 9 premiered on January 1, 1970