Season 7 (1988)

Evidence of Neglect

January 6, 1988 • 50m

Three films examine the ways our historical record is under attack. In fireproof vaults, millions of feet of film shot on nitrate ...Read more

Wars of the Word

February 3, 1988 • 50m

The control of national television is seen by regimes the world over as a necessary adjunct to their survival today. Peter France ...Read more

The Man in the Iron Mask

March 2, 1988 • 50m

Henry Lincoln investigates the story of the 'Man in the Iron Mask' and - using evidence which only came to light last year - separ...Read more

The Hunger Winter

March 30, 1988 • 50m

In September 1944, in retaliation for Dutch support of the Arnhem landings, the Nazis cut off all food supplies to the population ...Read more

Dishonour and Death

June 1, 1988 • 50m

Christopher Andrew presents two stories from the darker and more secret side of British history over the past 150 years. THE DIAR...Read more

Verdict on the Shroud

July 27, 1988 • 50m

How old is the Shroud of Turin? To millions of believers it's the burial cloth of Jesus, to sceptics it's a clever medieval fake. ...Read more

Shadow of the Ripper

September 7, 1988 • 50m

Bizarre theories have surrounded the unexplained killings in Whitechapel since they hit the headlines in 1888. This film dispels t...Read more

A Woman's Story

October 5, 1988 • 50m

One hundred years after the matchgirls strike, this dramatised documentary looks at the life of Annie Besant, strike leader, pione...Read more

Visions of a Conqueror: The Glorious Revolution

November 9, 1988 • 50m

Peter France examines the Glorious Revolution of 1688 from the perspective of William of Orange, unearthing the real motives behind his invasion.

Bukharin and the Terror

December 7, 1988 • 50m

Fifty years ago, Nikolai Bukharin, Lenin's right-hand man and favourite of the Bolsheviks, was shot by Stalin's henchmen after the...Read more

Episode 95

January 1, 1970

Episode 95 of Season 7 premiered on January 1, 1970

Episode 97

January 1, 1970

Episode 97 of Season 7 premiered on January 1, 1970