January 6, 1988 • 50m
Three films examine the ways our historical record is under attack. In fireproof vaults, millions of feet of film shot on nitrate ...Read more
February 3, 1988 • 50m
The control of national television is seen by regimes the world over as a necessary adjunct to their survival today. Peter France ...Read more
March 2, 1988 • 50m
Henry Lincoln investigates the story of the 'Man in the Iron Mask' and - using evidence which only came to light last year - separ...Read more
March 30, 1988 • 50m
In September 1944, in retaliation for Dutch support of the Arnhem landings, the Nazis cut off all food supplies to the population ...Read more
June 1, 1988 • 50m
Christopher Andrew presents two stories from the darker and more secret side of British history over the past 150 years. THE DIAR...Read more
July 27, 1988 • 50m
How old is the Shroud of Turin? To millions of believers it's the burial cloth of Jesus, to sceptics it's a clever medieval fake. ...Read more
September 7, 1988 • 50m
Bizarre theories have surrounded the unexplained killings in Whitechapel since they hit the headlines in 1888. This film dispels t...Read more
October 5, 1988 • 50m
One hundred years after the matchgirls strike, this dramatised documentary looks at the life of Annie Besant, strike leader, pione...Read more
November 9, 1988 • 50m
Peter France examines the Glorious Revolution of 1688 from the perspective of William of Orange, unearthing the real motives behind his invasion.
December 7, 1988 • 50m
Fifty years ago, Nikolai Bukharin, Lenin's right-hand man and favourite of the Bolsheviks, was shot by Stalin's henchmen after the...Read more
January 1, 1970
Episode 95 of Season 7 premiered on January 1, 1970
January 1, 1970
Episode 97 of Season 7 premiered on January 1, 1970