February 3, 2014 • 1h
Woodford Academy, set in the Blue Mountains, offers a dark and often chilling history. With witnesses reporting numerous sightings...Read more
February 10, 2014 • 1h
Victoria’s Old Geelong Gaol holds the reputation of one of the most miserable houses of incarceration ever opened in Australia. St...Read more
February 17, 2014 • 1h
A building once home to pre-frontal lobotomies and electro-shock therapy, Aradale Asylum delivers misery and paranormal activity i...Read more
February 24, 2014 • 1h
Its grandeur may be fading but Gledswood Homestead’s history is still embedded in the apparitions that lurk in hallways of the onc...Read more
March 3, 2014 • 1h
Genteel in appearance and atmosphere by day, Adelaide’s historic Arcade transforms at night to host an unholy cacophony of spiritu...Read more
March 10, 2014 • 1h
A collection of 18th century buildings relocated to one site, the Australiana Pioneer Village has also bought together a bounty of...Read more
March 17, 2014 • 1h
South Australia’s North Kapunda Hotel looks innocent enough to the untrained eye but to the Haunting: Australia team it is a build...Read more
March 24, 2014 • 1h
The Haunting: Australia team take on an investigation of colossal proportions in Sydney’s stunning harbour. Never before investiga...Read more