Season 1 (1993)

Iggy the Fool and N'Dool the GEB (Part I)

November 19, 1993 • 35m

The Stardust Crusaders meet a new addition to their group-a dog named Iggy who is actually the user of The Fool Stand.

Iggy the Fool and N'Dool the GEB (Part. II)

December 17, 1993 • 35m

The Stardust Crusaders are pitted against another of DIO's assassins-N'Doul and his deadly water Stand, the Egyptian god Geb.

D'Arby the Gambler

July 21, 1994 • 35m

The Stardust Crusaders encounter a gambler named D'Arby who claims to have information they need. They have to beat him in the ult...Read more

Dio's World: The Warrior of the Void: Vanilla Ice

August 9, 1994 • 35m

The Stardust Crusaders arrive at Dio's lair, but Dio's finest assassin, Vanilla Ice, slay Avdol before their horrified eyes. Polna...Read more

Dio's World: Kakyoin - Duel in the Barrier

October 21, 1994 • 35m

Kakyoin steps up to face Dio, but finds himself fatally outclassed.

Dio's World: Farewell, My Friends

November 18, 1994 • 35m

The century-old blood feud finally comes to a close in the final battle between Jotaro and Dio.