May 21, 2023 • 44m
A twin-engine turboprop carrying 15 people on a flight from St. Louis is on final approach to Kirksville, Missouri. Visibility is ...Read more
May 28, 2023 • 44m
Investigators try to determine why Independent Air Flight 1851 was flying below advised altitude when it struck a mountain on the ...Read more
June 4, 2023 • 44m
Minutes after takeoff, Japan Airlines Flight 123 experiences a sudden loss of pressurization and crashes into a mountain northwest...Read more
June 11, 2023 • 44m
An investigation into the crash of Airlines PNG Flight 1600 on Papua New Guinea reveals a potentially deadly flaw in the popular B...Read more
June 18, 2023 • 44m
Equipment and software oversights on Air Astana Flight 1388 cause a critical malfunction immediately after takeoff, forcing the cr...Read more
June 25, 2023 • 44m
When a plane's windshield shatters over the Himalayas, the pilots are forced to make a rapid emergency landing while battling free...Read more
July 2, 2023 • 44m
When a British tycoon and his family die in a 2017 Australian seaplane crash, investigators spend over two years searching for the...Read more
July 9, 2023 • 44m
The plan to save Balkan Bulgarian Airlines Flight 013 hinges on convincing the violent hijackers that their demands have been met ...Read more
July 16, 2023 • 44m
When an Amazon cargo plane nosedives into a swamp outside Houston, the evidence eventually leads investigators to a pilot with a l...Read more
July 23, 2023 • 44m
Evidence from the disappearance of EgyptAir Flight 804 leads investigators to theorize different causes for the plane's spiral into the Mediterranean.