October 6, 2004 • 1h
Policeman's Past Life An Indianapolis homicide detective believes that he is the reincarnation of 19th-century American artist J...Read more
October 13, 2004 • 1h
Danny Phenomenon A family in Savannah, Ga., is haunted by the spirit of a 7-year-old boy they believe is inhabiting an antique b...Read more
October 20, 2004 • 1h
No Place to Hide A man believes he has been repeatedly abducted by aliens for years and has methodically collected evidence to p...Read more
October 27, 2004 • 1h
Mexico Vacation UFO A family en route to Mexico videotapes a strange light in the night sky over Texas that seems to follow them...Read more
November 3, 2004 • 1h
Axe-Murder House The scene of a brutal murder is said to be haunted — and visitors capture ghostly orbs on videotape. Alien S...Read more
November 10, 2004 • 1h
Romanek UFO A Colorado man videotapes a UFO seen by dozens of witnesses in three different locations. Psychics Solve Crime Tw...Read more
November 17, 2004 • 1h
Wrecking Yard Ghost The ghost of a woman killed in a car crash is caught on tape by a security camera at the wrecking yard to wh...Read more
November 24, 2004 • 1h
Illinois UFO A local farmer and several police officers chase a UFO through southern Illinois and agree to submit to polygraphic...Read more
December 1, 2004 • 1h
Ogopogo New video and new witnesses make a compelling case that Canada's Lake Okanaga is home to a Loch Ness-like creature calle...Read more
December 8, 2004 • 1h
Twin Telepathy Can science prove the existence of telepathic powers between twins? Proof Positive puts four sets of twins to the...Read more