Season 3 (1994)

The Search (1)

September 26, 1994 • 45m

Stardate: 48213.1. Instead of waiting for the Jem'Hadar to attack, Sisko wants to try a different approach. He wants to take a new...Read more

The Search (2)

October 3, 1994 • 45m

Stardate: 48213.1. Odo has found his home and is introduced. Meanwhile Sisko finds out peace talks between the Dominion and the Fe...Read more

The House of Quark

October 10, 1994 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. Quark tries to boost his reputation by taking credit for the accidental death of a Klingon in his bar, but land...Read more


October 17, 1994 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. The Trill homeworld is the setting, as Sisko and Bashir take Jadzia home for treatment when she begins experien...Read more

Second Skin

October 24, 1994 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. Kira finds herself on Cardassia as a Cardassian. She is told she is called Iliana Ghemor and was a Cardassian spy.

The Abandoned

October 31, 1994 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. Odo tries to bond with an alien child Quark finds in a load of salvage, while Sisko tries to break his son's re...Read more

Civil Defense

November 7, 1994 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. The station goes into lockdown and the crew is endangered when an old Cardassian security program is accidentally activated.


November 14, 1994 • 45m

Stardate: 48423.2. Dax falls in love with one of the residents of a multi-dimensional planet, while on DS9 an alien requests a hol...Read more


November 21, 1994 • 45m

Stardate: 48467.3. The DS9 crew welcomes a visit from William Riker of the Enterprise, but the lieutenant’s hidden agenda leads to...Read more


November 28, 1994 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. As Lwaxanna Troi visits the station for a Bajoran festival, the crew is stricken with intense romantic attractions to one another.

Past Tense (1)

January 2, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: 48481.2. Sisko, Bashir and Dax are accidentally sent to San Francisco in the 21st century due to a transporter malfuncti...Read more

Past Tense (2)

January 9, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: 48481.2. Sisko is forced to take the place of a key historical figure on Earth in 2024 in order to preserve the timeline.

Life Support

January 30, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: 48498.4. Dr. Bashir must use extraordinary measures to prolong Vedek Bareil's life long enough to allow Bareil to comple...Read more

Heart of Stone

February 6, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: 48521.5. After chasing a fugitive into a cave, Kira gets stuck and is slowly encapsulated by a growing crystal stone whi...Read more


February 13, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: 48543.2. Sisko faces a conflict between his Starfleet duties and his role as the Bajoran Emissary when an ancient Bajora...Read more

Prophet Motive

February 20, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. Grand Nagus Zek is acting bizarre by giving away money and rewriting the Rules of Acquisition. Quark attempts t...Read more


February 27, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. While a Romulan delegation tries to get information about the Dominion, O'Brien gets visions of unpleasant thin...Read more

Distant Voices

April 10, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. After being attacked in the infirmary, Dr. Bashir has a dual mystery on his hands: what has happened to the sta...Read more

Through the Looking Glass

April 17, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. Sisko is kidnapped to impersonate his deceased, mirror universe self to gain Jennifer Sisko's loyalty in the Rebel Alliance.

Improbable Cause (1)

April 24, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. After an attempt is made on Garak's life, Odo conducts the investigation on who tried to murder the Cardassian tailor - and why.

The Die Is Cast (2)

May 1, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. Now rejoined with his former mentor, Garak is ordered to interrogate Odo about the secrets of his people, while...Read more


May 8, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. Sisko rebuilds an ancient Bajoran space vessel from the blueprints, and he and Jake take the ship on a trip, at...Read more

Family Business

May 15, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. Quark and Rom return to the Ferengi home world because their mother has broken the law - by wearing clothes and...Read more


May 22, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. News arrives that Kai Winn has also become Bajor's political leader. She asks Kira to negotiate with an old res...Read more


June 12, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: Unknown. Dax asks the crew to join her Zhian'tara ritual. The memories of her former hosts will take over their bodies. ...Read more

The Adversary

June 19, 1995 • 45m

Stardate: 48959.1. The Defiant is off to show the Federation's presence to the new Tzenkethi government. While underway the ship m...Read more