March 29, 2010 • 50m
Archive film, computer-generated imagery and innovative reconstructions tell the Red Army's story of their bloody defeat to Nazi G...Read more
April 5, 2010 • 50m
From the very first days of the war the USSR capitol had been preparing its defense. Institutions and plants, embassies and minis...Read more
April 12, 2010 • 50m
The takeover of Leningrad was of strategic importance for the German Command. On the 8th of September 1941 the Germans reached Lak...Read more
April 19, 2010 • 50m
On the 28th of June 1943 German troops launched Case Blue. They dashed towards Voronezh, Stalingrad, and Rostov-on-Don. The insuff...Read more
April 26, 2010 • 50m
It was April 1943. The frontline froze, but the Soviet Command was already designing plans for the Summer, paying special attentio...Read more
May 4, 2010 • 50m
Conditions of Army Group Center in Byelorussia seemed to be stable. Soviet attempts to go on the offensive near Vitebsk and Orsha ...Read more
May 5, 2010 • 50m
Troops from five fronts began a coordinated offensive from Smolensk to the Sea of Azov on a broad new front 1400 km in length. In...Read more
May 6, 2010 • 50m
On the 31st of January 1945 the tankers of the 1st Byelorussian Front reached the Oder river near Kostrin and Frankfurt. Berlin, t...Read more
May 7, 2012 • 50m
Stalin’s USSR was a nation obsessed with secrecy and highly experienced in the skills of espionage. But despite establishing netwo...Read more
May 9, 2012 • 50m
The Soviet navy fought many different types of war, from coastal raids in the Black Sea, to convoy escorts in the Arctic Ocean and...Read more
May 9, 2012 • 50m
The Soviet Air Force was nearly wiped out in the first days of the German invasion of the Soviet Union. But thanks to the courage ...Read more
May 11, 2012 • 50m
In January 1945, across the snow-covered plains of Poland, the Red Army launched an overwhelming assault against the enemy that wo...Read more
May 12, 2012 • 50m
In August 1945 the Red Army launched an overwhelming assault against Japanese-occupied Manchuria. It came on the same day that Jap...Read more
May 5, 2014 • 50m
The German conquests of 1941 left Hitler’s troops perilously close to the Soviet capital, Moscow. Around Rzhev terrible fighting r...Read more
May 6, 2014 • 50m
As September ended, the Germans found the Dnieper line impossible to hold as the Soviet bridgeheads grew and important Dnieper tow...Read more
May 7, 2014 • 50m
Hitler’s 1941 invasion of the USSR ran into some its fiercest resistance at the Black Sea ports of Odessa and Sevastopol, where So...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 50m
In 1942, Hitler launched his great summer offensive against the Soviet oil fields in the Caucasus. If he could seize control of th...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 50m
In 1941 German armed forces overran vast swathes of Russia, Byelorussia and Ukraine. But it was not long before the local populati...Read more