Season 1 (2012)

The History of Life on Earth

November 5, 2012 • 13m

With a solid understanding of biology on the small scale under our belts, it's time for the long view - for the next twelve weeks,...Read more

Population Ecology: The Texas Mosquito Mystery

November 12, 2012 • 13m

Population ecology is the study of groups within a species that interact mostly with each other, and it examines how they live tog...Read more

Human Population Growth

November 19, 2012 • 13m

If being alive on Earth were a contest, humans would win it hands down. We're like the Michael Phelps of being alive, but with 250...Read more

Community Ecology: Feel the Love

November 26, 2012 • 13m

Interactions between species are what define ecological communities, and community ecology studies these interactions anywhere the...Read more

Community Ecology II: Predators

December 4, 2012 • 13m

Hank gets to the more violent part of community ecology by describing predation and the many ways prey organisms have developed to avoid it.

Ecological Succession: Change is Good

December 10, 2012 • 13m

In the world of ecology, the only constant is change - but change can be good. Today Hank explains ecological succession and how e...Read more

Ecosystem Ecology: Links in the Chain

December 18, 2012 • 13m

Hank brings us to the next level of ecological study with ecosystem ecology, which looks at how energy, nutrients, and materials a...Read more

The Hydrologic and Carbon Cycles: Always Recycle!

December 24, 2012 • 13m

Hank introduces us to biogeochemical cycles by describing his two favorites: carbon and water. The hydrologic cycle describes how ...Read more

Nitrogen & Phosphorus Cycles: Always Recycle! Part 2

December 31, 2012 • 13m

Hank describes the desperate need many organisms have for nutrients (specifically nitrogen and phosphorus) and how they go about g...Read more

5 Human Impacts on the Environment

January 7, 2013 • 13m

Hank gives the run down on the top five ways humans are negatively impacting the environment and having detrimental effects on the...Read more


January 14, 2013 • 13m

Hank talks about the last major way humans are impacting the environment in this penultimate episode of Crash Course Ecology. Poll...Read more

Conservation and Restoration Ecology

January 21, 2013 • 13m

Hank wraps up the Crash Course on ecology by taking a look at the growing fields of conservation biology and restoration ecology, ...Read more