September 7, 2010
Florrie and Dear Dragon have a long list of chores to do - but they find out a way of speeding things up when Dear Dragon blows so...Read more
September 8, 2010
The whole Castle is delighted when Splish-Splash the water dragon performs her very own enchanting ballet.
September 9, 2010
Episode 3 of Season 1 premiered on September 9, 2010
September 10, 2010
Zoom-Zoom is a little bit jealous of Dear Dragon and his talent for blowing bubbles - and he wants to be appreciated for the thing...Read more
September 12, 2012
When Princess Florrie and Dear Dragon are playing next to the maze, Florrie accidentally flings her bubble mix over the hedge. The...Read more
September 13, 2010
Princess Florrie and Dear Dragon are very excited - it is the day of the Grand Picnic - but Paprika is finding it hard to cope. Fl...Read more
September 14, 2010
Ferdinand is making her a wonderful surprise.
September 15, 2012
Florrie and Dear Dragon discover they have created some tickling bubbles which they try out on anyone who needs cheering up but un...Read more
September 20, 2010
Florrie, Pom 1 and Pom 2 are playing roller tag. Pom 1 accidentally crashes into Rattle and Dear Dragon's block castle. She then g...Read more
September 25, 2010
Florrie and Dear Dragon are singing and find Toot-Toot making music. In the kitchen they start playing the pots and pans and then ...Read more
October 1, 2010
Florrie and Dear Dragon decide to play dress-up with bubbles, but Florrie gets caught up in playing queen with her bubble cape and...Read more
October 5, 2010
While Florrie and the Dragons play hide and seek, Rattle goes missing completely.
October 10, 2010
Florrie and Dear Dragon are having so much fun assembly a new chandelier in the ballroom that they accidentally break it. They put...Read more
October 15, 2010
Florrie and Dear Dragon are helping Paprika tidy Casimir's Room. They come across a magical mirror which ends up causing a bit of ...Read more
October 18, 2010
Florrie, Dear Dragon and Splish-Splash are doing the laundry. While hanging up the washing on the line, a huge gust of wind blows Paprika's hat away.
October 20, 2010
Paprika is planning on making a wonderful melon soup, but unfortunately Dear Dragon and Florrie break the soup melon while playing...Read more
November 1, 2010
Toot-Toot has caught Dragon Droop and is feeling terribly under the weather.
November 5, 2010
Its time for Florrie to get a music lesson from Toot-Toot. After looking at so many instruments, Florrie decides to learn how to p...Read more
January 1, 1970
Episode 20 of Season 1 premiered on January 1, 1970
January 1, 1970
Florrie and Dear Dragon try to solve the mystery of who's been picking all the cherries off the cherry tree.
January 1, 1970
Florrie and Rattle are playing with bubbles, while Ferdinand is trying to pick a new doorbell. But he can't hear anything with Rat...Read more
January 1, 1970
Florrie really wishes to have a pet of her own, but its not so easy keeping a pet. Especially one that causes so much havoc.
January 1, 1970
Splish-Splash is tired of skidding around on land on her slippery feet. Florrie and Dear Dragon want to help Splish-Splash, but th...Read more
January 1, 1970
Dear Dragon wakes up with a cold and a croaky voice. Florrie is sure that Casimir can help by treating Dear Dragon with a spell. B...Read more
January 1, 1970
Ferdinand is giving out the orders of jobs to do on his list - starting with spoon sorting, when he slips and bangs his head.
January 1, 1970
Pom 1 and Pom 2 have formed their very own club - but they won't let Princess Florrie and Dear Dragon join, saying it is only for ...Read more
January 1, 1970
Florrie wants to go flying with Zoom Zoom, but Ferdinand needs her to help pick all the lockweeds - otherwise they will grow aroun...Read more
January 1, 1970
Florrie offers to give Casimir a beard cut - and he falls asleep to Toot-Toot's music as she does so...
January 1, 1970
Florrie wants to go flying with Zoom-Zoom, but she has a cough and Paprika tells her she must go to bed - no flying for her today....Read more
January 1, 1970
Dear Dragon decides that he needs to live with other dragons at the Dragon Hills. This makes Florrie very sad.
January 1, 1970
Zoom-Zoom asks Florrie and Dear Dragon to run his control room whilst he goes for a flight. Everything is going well until Florrie...Read more
January 1, 1970
Casimir's room is full of wonderful surprises - and the Thingymajiggy box is one of the best. He can make great big things appear ...Read more
January 1, 1970
Every seven years the fireflies are wooed by the song of the singing daisies who fly down to pollinate them ready for the next tim...Read more
January 1, 1970
Dear Dragon's trumpet bubbles are great fun - until they drift into the Snoozlewood! When they burst they wake up the Snoozles - a...Read more
January 1, 1970
Florrie wants to fly - and wants to find a flying spell in Casimir's book... the nearest she can get is a floating spell. For a wh...Read more
January 5, 2011
Dear Dragon has eaten all the cherry jam - and there are no more cherries to make it with. Casimir remembers they found a raspberr...Read more
January 1, 1970
Florrie reads a book with Dear Dragon all about various heroes and it gets her very excited. She wants to be a hero too! But no ma...Read more
January 1, 1970
When Florrie borrows Splish-Splash's favourite pearl necklace she has a lovely time playing 'dress up' - but when the elastic brea...Read more
January 1, 1970
Ferdinand must paint Florrie's portrait so it can go into the ballroom alongside Sir Scowling Gloom - but Florrie won't sit still ...Read more
January 1, 1970
Pom and Pom are playing discos - but Dear Dragon can't join in because he can't dance. He gets the steps all muddled up and then e...Read more
January 1, 1970
Today's the day to play some silly sports and have a silly sports day. Everyone thinks it is a wonderful idea - including Zoom-Zoo...Read more
January 1, 1970
Once a year Toot-Toot has to tune his magical instruments - but this year the Harpsicouch is proving very tricky - soon it runs ou...Read more
January 1, 1970
Florrie decides that all the grown-ups are too tired and need a day off - she and the dragons will look after everything.
March 20, 2011
The Winter Ball is one of the most magical times of year in the castle - with its sparkling tree and its gift socks but this year ...Read more