October 6, 2014 • 43m
State Premier Kate Ballard is shocked when the Opposition reveals its new election candidate David McLeod. Unbeknown to the public...Read more
October 13, 2014 • 43m
Petrified of the consequences of their secret coming out publicly, Kate stealthily enlists the help of her trusted speechwriter Ol...Read more
October 20, 2014 • 43m
David's teenage daughter steps into the public eye and is caught in a scandal which triggers a media storm. Has his daughter destr...Read more
October 27, 2014 • 43m
As Kate's speechwriter Ollie is struggling to help Kate manage the situation with David, his partner Tom's actions could derail the entire campaign.
November 3, 2014 • 43m
Kate is forced to come clean to husband Geoff about her secret past with David. Her confession will either jeopardise her marriage...Read more
November 10, 2014 • 43m
Kate's team preps for the big day - Election Day, while across town the exposé and campaign have taken its toll on David. Who will...Read more