March 5, 2015 • 42m
After a possible brush with death in Iceland, the team discovers some devastating news about the 13 million dollar ruby deposit th...Read more
March 12, 2015 • 42m
Our miners begin their journey into Greenland's unexplored and unforgiving wilderness in search ultimate treasure. While half the ...Read more
March 19, 2015 • 42m
On almost no sleep, our miners have split into two groups and set out into Greenland's dangerous landscape for a recon mission. Wh...Read more
March 26, 2015 • 42m
Time is running short in Saqqaq and Eric pushes the team to explore every corner of the mountains surrounding their basecamp for g...Read more
April 2, 2015 • 42m
Eric, our lead geologist, continues to battle gold fever as he pushes himself and his team well past their limits in order to find...Read more
April 9, 2015 • 42m
After a week of tireless prospecting in an unstable area of Greenland known as Saqqaq, our seven miners were able to make two gold...Read more
April 16, 2015 • 42m
With half their equipment destroyed in the sling drop, the members of Sixty-Degree Resources find themselves scattered. Not to men...Read more
April 23, 2015 • 42m
In a last ditch effort to salvage Cloud Island, arctic expeditionist Doug Stoup, leads the miners fearlessly across a fractured ic...Read more
April 30, 2015 • 42m
The gold of Eqi, Greenland, might be Sixty Degree Resources final hope. The seven miners are about to reach their tipping point. E...Read more
May 3, 2015 • 42m
When fighting the beast within, every man has his threshold. After weeks of tension among the miners, they prepare to depart from ...Read more
May 7, 2015 • 42m
After an irreparable disagreement between Eric and Josh, the miners have split into two factions. Josh's team runs into ice berg- ...Read more
May 14, 2015 • 42m
With only 48 hours left to explore Greenland, the jaws of the arctic winter are closing in on the miners of Sixty Degree Resources.