Season 1 (2013)

The First Doctor

January 27, 2013 • 40m

The Revisited team looks back at the adventures in time and space of the original Doctor Who, played by William Hartnell, with a f...Read more

The Second Doctor

February 24, 2013 • 40m

In 1966, the Doctor Who production team decided to recast the show lead. The Revisited team looks back at the era of the new Docto...Read more

The Third Doctor

March 31, 2013 • 40m

A new decade, a new Doctor. And now in color! The Revisited team takes a nostalgic look back at the adventures of the third Doctor...Read more

The Fourth Doctor

April 28, 2013 • 40m

The Revisited team looks back to the era of the fourth, and longest serving, Doctor, played by Tom Baker, who brought a new and ec...Read more

The Fifth Doctor

May 26, 2013 • 40m

Take an in-depth look at the fifth incarnation of the timeless Time Lord, played by the youngest actor in the part until current Matt Smith.

The Sixth Doctor

June 30, 2013 • 40m

Episode 6 of Season 1 premiered on June 30, 2013

The Seventh Doctor

July 28, 2013 • 40m

The Seventh Doctor, played by Sylvester McCoy, clowned around in a question marked tank top and juggled his way around foes.

The Eighth Doctor

August 31, 2013 • 40m

Take a look back at how Paul McGann's portrayal of the Eighth Doctor breathed new life into 'Doctor Who' after it had been off the air for years.

The Ninth Doctor

September 29, 2013 • 40m

Christopher Eccleston, the Ninth Doctor, heralded the return of the Doctor and brought him up to date with the 21st Century. Lead ...Read more

The Tenth Doctor

October 27, 2013 • 40m

BBC AMERICA celebrates the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant, in a new special of Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited. Tennant played the ...Read more

The Eleventh Doctor

November 24, 2013 • 40m

The Eleventh Doctor, played by Matt Smith, arrived on screen lively, funny but wise. Join the Doctors Revisited as we examine the ...Read more