Season 2 (1999)

Garage Sale

September 28, 1999 • 23m

The Foreman's have a garage sale and Hyde makes "special brownies" to help out. When Red, Kitty, Bob, and Midge accidentally eat a...Read more

Red's Last Day

October 5, 1999 • 23m

It's Red's last day of work, and he decides to drown his unemployment sorrows at a bar. Kitty sends Eric to pick Red up; he, Hyde...Read more

The Velvet Rope

October 12, 1999 • 22m

Now that he's unemployed, the job hunt is on for Red. The gang decides to go to a dance club, and Jackie manages to convince Kels...Read more

Laurie and the Professor

October 19, 1999 • 23m

Bob and Midge's marital troubles spill over into a fight over Donna's affection. One of Laurie's college professors comes to Poin...Read more


October 26, 1999 • 23m

The gang, looking for something fun to do on Halloween, revisits their old grammar school, where they find their permanent records...Read more

Van Stock

November 2, 1999 • 23m

Eric, Donna, Kelso, Hyde and Fez are all going to Vanstock, Wisconsin's own Woodstock. Jackie says she doesn't want to go, so Kels...Read more

I Love Cake

November 9, 1999 • 23m

Eric freaks out when Donna says 'I love you,' and all he can think of to say in return is 'I love cake.' Donna, not knowing how t...Read more


November 16, 1999 • 22m

Donna finally sleeps with Eric, but when the guys find out that all they did was sleep, they tease him mercilessly. Hyde gets a j...Read more

Eric Gets Suspended

November 30, 1999 • 22m

Donna is acting out over her parents' break up and takes up smoking. Eric gets caught holding one of her cigarettes in the school ...Read more

Red's Birthday

December 7, 1999 • 22m

It's Red's birthday and the roof collapses so Eric gets him some 2 x 4s to fix it. Bob and Midge take Red and Kitty out for dinner...Read more

Laurie Moves Out

December 14, 1999 • 22m

Laurie moves out and Red is annoyed when he finds out she moved in with a guy instead of with a girlfriend like she told him. She ...Read more

Eric's Stash

January 11, 2000 • 22m

Eric's secret stash of money goes missing, and Hyde is the first and only suspect. Hyde denies taking it, and everyone is shocked...Read more


January 18, 2000 • 22m

Red and Bob take the guys deer hunting; Hyde chills out, Fez bags dinner using only a few primitive weapons, Kelso is a menace wit...Read more

Red Gets a Job

February 1, 2000 • 22m

Eric gets a job at Price Mart as a cashier while Red gets one as a supervisor. Kelso tries to break up with Laurie because she wan...Read more

Burning Down the House

February 7, 2000 • 22m

With her parents away, Jackie plans on throwing a small, classy dinner party. Kelso tries to turn it into a fun party, and invite...Read more

The First Time

February 14, 2000 • 22m

Bob and Midge renew their wedding vows, with Donna writing the words and Red as best man. But Kitty is left out, until a bridesmai...Read more


February 21, 2000 • 22m

Contrary to what she tells Eric, Donna's review of their first sexual encounter is not good--or private; Red celebrates his first ...Read more

Kitty and Eric's Night Out

February 28, 2000 • 22m

Jackie misses Fez's attention when he gets a girlfriend, who passed up Hyde; Eric and Kitty go to a movie together.

Parents Find Out

March 7, 2000 • 22m

Kitty is devastated after the police catch Donna and Eric having sex in the Vista Cruiser.

Kiss of Death

March 20, 2000 • 22m

Eric lies after accidentally running over Donna's cat; Laurie sets Kelso up for a fall; Fez sees "Fez's Angels" while under anesth...Read more

Kelso's Serenade

March 27, 2000 • 22m

Kelso tries to win Jackie back with a song; Kitty drags the family to see elderly Aunt Pearl; Donna thinks Eric takes her for granted.

Jackie Moves On

April 3, 2000 • 22m

Fez finally has a date with Jackie, but not the same Jackie he's coveted; Eric and Laurie have a war of embarrassing secrets; and ...Read more

Holy Crap!

May 1, 2000 • 22m

Kitty calls on a divine power, of sorts, when Eric and Laurie forsake going to church; Kelso's budding beard stirs Jackie.

Red Fired Up

May 8, 2000 • 22m

Eric appreciates another employee who draws Red's ire away from himself; Kelso and Laurie date openly, and receive separate cautio...Read more

Cat Fight Club

May 15, 2000 • 22m

Hyde helps Jackie take a Zen approach to Kelso and Laurie, who introduce their relationship to Red at the Forman dinner table.

Moon Over Point Place

May 22, 2000 • 22m

Donna moons in a yearbook picture; Jackie claims Hyde as her new best friend; Kitty "clears the air" about Eric and Donna having sex.