October 15, 2012 • 1h 3m
Uri and Nimrode try to push the Ministry of Defense into figuring out where Amiel is by exposing the CD they got from Ruth Shorer.
October 16, 2012 • 51m
Talia breaks down while Nimrode is out partying; Uri and Nurit try to bridge their gap; Yussuf and Abdullah head out to handle an arms deal.
October 22, 2012 • 49m
The past troubles Yussuf; Abdullah tries to recruit children to be martyrs; Uri shares the horrors of captivity with Nurit.
October 23, 2012 • 49m
The connection between Jamal and Amiel is revealed; Yussuf struggles with the consequences of the shooting and the pressure to exe...Read more
October 29, 2012 • 48m
Iris and Haim discover new details in the investigation; a cat-and-mouse detective game develops between Haim and Ze'ev, who is bu...Read more
November 5, 2012 • 48m
Atar Shorer recruits Yinon; a new direction in Haim and Iris's investigation leads them to "Operation Judas."
November 12, 2012 • 54m
Haim Cohen orders Uri and Iris to investigate the picture of the man; Nimrod struggles with adapting to his new life.
November 19, 2012 • 49m
Yussuf is not pleased with Ismail's new bond with Abdullah; Talia and Dr. Ostrovsky go out on a date; Uri suffers from poor health...Read more
December 3, 2012 • 47m
The mind games between Ze'ev and Haim continue as new details are exposed regarding Operation Judas and Yinon's true mission.
December 10, 2012 • 53m
Haim tries to extract more details on Operation Judas from Ze'ev; together they work on cracking the code that Atar and Jamal use to communicate.
December 17, 2012 • 54m
Uri's health is deteriorating; Nimrode reveals another detail regarding what happened with Amiel; Nurit embarks on a mission behin...Read more
December 18, 2012 • 56m
The soldier's kidnapping affects everyone; Yinon goes through the final phase of preparations for Operation Judas; Hatzav is drafted to the army.
December 24, 2012 • 51m
The soldier's kidnapping awakens feelings of guilt in Nimrode; Yael worries about the identity of the kidnapped soldier; Yinon put...Read more
December 25, 2012 • 1h 2m
Operation Judas is underway; Sheik Qassab pays Leila a visit; Amiel returns home; Haim has his doubts about the operation; Amiel f...Read more