Literature 1 (2012)

How and Why We Read

November 15, 2012 • 7m

In which John Green kicks off the Crash Course Literature mini series with a reasonable set of questions. Why do we read? What's t...Read more

Of Pentameter & Bear Baiting - Romeo & Juliet Part I

November 29, 2012 • 12m

In which John Green examines Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare. John delves into the world of Bill Shakespeare's famous star-c...Read more

Love or Lust? Romeo and Juliet Part II

December 6, 2012 • 10m

In which John Green returns to William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet to explore the themes of true love, lust, and whether Romeo ...Read more

Like Pale Gold - The Great Gatsby Part I

December 13, 2012 • 11m

In which John Green explores F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel of the Jazz Age, The Great Gatsby. John introduces you to Nick Carraway, ...Read more

Was Gatsby Great? The Great Gatsby Part 2

December 20, 2012 • 8m

SPOILER ALERT: This video assumes you've read the book. In which John Green continues to explore F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The ...Read more

Language, Voice, and Holden Caulfield: The Catcher in the Rye Part 1

January 10, 2013 • 10m

In which John Green examines JD Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye. John pulls out the old school literary criticism by exami...Read more

Holden, JD, and the Red Cap: The Catcher in the Rye Part 2

January 17, 2013 • 8m

In which John continues the discussion of JD Salinger's Catcher in the Rye. This week John reads the novel with Salinger's life st...Read more

Before I Got My Eye Put Out - The Poetry of Emily Dickinson

January 24, 2013 • 10m

In which John Green concludes the Crash Course Literature mini-series with an examination of the poetry of Emily Dickinson. Sure, ...Read more