May 13, 2013 • 45m
Born and raised in Cheung Chau, CHING LAI-WING is a doctor specializing in cardiothoracic surgery. His mother LAU MIU-LIN opens a ...Read more
May 14, 2013 • 45m
LAI-WING, PO-SANG and MOON-KEI go to the beach for BBQ and they talk about their love affairs. LAI-WING reveals that he has been s...Read more
May 15, 2013 • 45m
YUK-BIU and LAI-WING go to the peak of Cheung Chau after rock-climbing. YUK-BIU discovers that LAI-WING is worrying about HEI-MAN....Read more
May 16, 2013 • 45m
PO-SANG brings PO-PO to MA YAU's shop to take video of the bun making process and he makes a bet with PO-PO. LAI-WING, PO-SANG and...Read more
May 17, 2013 • 45m
PO-PO goes to take video at MOON-KEI's father CHAN KEUNG's photo studio. The cameraman is dissatisfied with CHAN KEUNG's behavior....Read more
May 20, 2013 • 45m
PO-PO sends PO-SANG a message telling him that she fails to receive any money from the USA. She is very depressed and she wants to...Read more
May 21, 2013 • 45m
WING-SHAN prepares beddings for PO-PO and PO-PO tries to check out the background of SING-MUI from her. PO-SANG brings PO-PO to br...Read more
May 22, 2013 • 45m
KA-LEI has got an accident and CHUNG-KWAN asks LAI-WING to perform an operation for her. However, WING-LAI discovers that another ...Read more
May 23, 2013 • 45m
MIU-LIN questions LAI-WING about KA-LEI’s case and LAI-WING reveals that he has done nothing wrong. WING-SHAN asks HEI-MAN to expl...Read more
May 24, 2013 • 45m
SING-MUI meets Dr KWAN and he admires him for having a good daughter but Dr KWAN reveals the problems of her daughter to him. PO-S...Read more
May 27, 2013 • 45m
YIU-KAI stops LING-LING from helping Sing Mui Kee to distribute leaflets for he believes that PO-SANG is using her. YIU-KAI slaps ...Read more
May 28, 2013 • 45m
PO-SANG asks PO-PO to give him a chance but PO-PO reveals that he is actually her elder brother. PO-PO tries to reveal it to SING-...Read more
May 29, 2013 • 45m
LAI-WING receives a call from Nurse WONG telling him that Dr KWAN has got an accident… LAI-WING starts managing Dr KWAN’s clinic. ...Read more
May 30, 2013 • 45m
PO-SANG, MAN-FUNG and MOON-KEI help HEI-MAN to renovate her holiday home. WING-LAI also joins them in the afternoon after work. PO...Read more
May 31, 2013 • 45m
SING-MUI reveals that he will find the best lawyer for PO-SANG and he is willing to sell his restaurant to save him. PO-PO is asha...Read more
June 3, 2013 • 45m
MAN-FUNG is being laughed at in school. She doesn’t want her father to be embarrassed and she wants to leave Cheung Chau. MOON-KEI...Read more
June 4, 2013 • 45m
PO-SANG pursues PO-PO successfully and he celebrates by giving away free dim sum at Sing Mui Kee. A foreign customer makes complai...Read more
June 5, 2013 • 45m
LAI-WING tells HEI-MAN what happened. HEI-MAN says that if MEI-KEI is doing it intentionally, this may cause great harm to his par...Read more
June 6, 2013 • 45m
MOON-KEI has installed a camera at home. When he connects the camera to his mobile phone, he discovers that room is filled with sm...Read more
June 7, 2013 • 45m
PO-SANG persuades MAN-FUNG to return home. He reveals that SING-MUI is ill and he misses her very much. LAI-WING meets SUM-YUE aga...Read more
June 10, 2013 • 45m
PO-SANG's lumbar is seriously injured. If the operation fails, he may become paralyzed for a lifetime and he is very worried. WING...Read more
June 11, 2013 • 45m
HEI-MAN tries to test PO-PO and she discovers that PO-PO doesn't know that her father is TO KAI-YIU. Dr SHERMAN agrees to perform ...Read more
June 12, 2013 • 45m
PO-SANG sends a message to PO-PO and PO-PO finds it strange. She goes to the hotel room mentioned in the message and discovers PO-...Read more
June 13, 2013 • 45m
WING-SHAN discovers HEI-MAN's evil plan and she persuades her not to dispossess other's house. HEI-MAN replies to everyone that sh...Read more
June 14, 2013 • 45m
PO-PO visits HEI-MAN. She reveals that she has forgiven her but she cannot forgive PO-SANG and she will go back to USA soon. SUM-Y...Read more