May 12, 2012 • 1h
Mat is beside himself with excitement at the possibility of creating fish tanks for a one of a kind location – the home plate back...Read more
May 19, 2012 • 1h
Mat meets up with Allan Marshall who runs biological operations at the Florida Aquarium. Allan wants a fresh take on an old exhibi...Read more
May 26, 2012 • 1h
At the Tennessee Aquarium, Francis meets a giant octopus suffering from harmful chemicals that have leeched from a rock feature. T...Read more
June 2, 2012 • 1h
Two tight turnarounds including a Vegas redesign and relocating a nurse shark that has outgrown her aquarium.
June 9, 2012 • 1h
Advanced Aquarist received another prescreening of the next Fish Tank Kings episode, and this one is right up our ally. Living Col...Read more
June 16, 2012 • 1h
Redesign on a huge canopy aquarium; tank of deadly predator fish.