The Astronomers (1991)

Where is the rest of the universe?

April 12, 1991 • 54m

Astronomers believe the universe contains at least ten times as much mass as can be seen and accounted for. How are they able to d...Read more

Searching for black holes

April 15, 1991 • 57m

At the center of galaxy NGC 1275, some 200 million light years from Earth, there might be a supermassive black hole. In a attempt ...Read more

A Window to Creation

April 16, 1991 • 57m

American and Japanese astronomers are followed as they seek to measure cosmic background radiation, the heat remaining from the Bi...Read more

Waves of the Future

April 17, 1991 • 57m

Gravity waves, as yet undetected but predicted by Albert Einstein, may contain the answers to many questions about the universe. S...Read more


April 18, 1991 • 55m

The deaths of stars allow human lives to come into being. This episode explains how and looks at the complete life cycle of the st...Read more

Prospecting for Planets

April 19, 1991 • 57m

Efforts to discover other planetary systems and to learn more about the planets of our own solar system are examined. Images are s...Read more