November 9, 2017 • 28m
Every single piece of food is a clear personal favorite when James and Adam Price go into the kitchen again and serve delicious hi...Read more
November 16, 2017 • 28m
If you want to make quick money, all you have to do is buy a food truck and sell brilliant food from the world's cuisine. At least...Read more
November 23, 2017 • 27m
Today, the main role is played by one of the most important raw materials in Brdr Price's kitchen: the onion! Adam and James set o...Read more
November 30, 2017 • 29m
It's about French culinary art par excellence when James and Adam Price go into the kitchen and pay tribute to the French master c...Read more
December 7, 2017 • 28m
Episode 5 of Season 10 premiered on December 7, 2017
December 14, 2017 • 28m
Episode 6 of Season 10 premiered on December 14, 2017
November 20, 2018 • 35m
The VERY big dinner comes to the table when 380 million Americans and 2 brothers celebrate Thanksgiving. The turkey, together with...Read more
December 19, 2018 • 45m
Christmas is just around the corner in Korsbæk and Adam and James Price have taken over Laura's old kitchen for this year's big Ch...Read more