September 6, 2013 • 13m
After discovering that she couldn't fix Maddie's toy mouse, Norton, in the park, Doc's dad builds a mobile clinic for her to fix t...Read more
September 6, 2013 • 13m
While practicing their Juggling Jacks Act for Buddy's birthday party, Big Jack hurts his crank after Donny crashes into him while ...Read more
September 13, 2013 • 13m
Awesome Guy injures his arm while showing off his awesome strength and Doc orders him to rest up.
September 13, 2013 • 13m
Lambie got covered with jam while being placed into Doc's backpack due to a faulty sandwich bag. Before going with her to school o...Read more
September 20, 2013 • 13m
Doc takes the afternoon off from the clinic to help train Emmie's dog Rudi with a new agility training center that Emmie's family ...Read more
September 20, 2013 • 13m
Doc creates a musical group but Bronty injures his tail after Stuffy crashes into him.
September 27, 2013 • 13m
Frida Fairy, a fairy-shaped kite who thinks she's a real fairy, rips her wing after crashing into a tree branch and Doc tries to repair her.
September 27, 2013 • 13m
Dragon-Bot, a new state of the art robotic toy dragon, has a problem with his wings popping out and Doc checks what is causing the...Read more
October 3, 2013 • 13m
Chilly turns pink from Doc's red scarf after being accidentally washed in the washing machine by Doc's dad.
October 3, 2013 • 13m
The other players in the Foosball court are ready to play but Johnny Foosball isn't ready because he is suffering from a sticking ...Read more
October 17, 2013 • 13m
Doc receives a solar powered hula girl named Leilani from her grandmother, but she feels a little homesick for her home in Hawaii ...Read more
October 17, 2013 • 13m
Doc helps Angus, a Karate Kangaroo who doesn't want to fight Sidney, his partner, because of his fear of fighting.
October 24, 2013 • 13m
Doc discovers a fashion doll named Dress-Up Daisy stuck in a tree and tries to calm her down from panicking while rescuing her.
October 24, 2013 • 13m
Doc helps an action figure named Super Stuntman Steve after he starts malfunctioning for losing his helmet.
November 8, 2013 • 13m
Disco Dress Up Daisy injures her arm while showboating on roller skates and gets a fashionable pink cast for her arm and Lambie be...Read more
November 8, 2013 • 13m
The Glider Brothers, two planes named Orville and Wilbur (after the Wright brothers), fly recklessly around the McStuffins househo...Read more
November 15, 2013 • 13m
Sir Kirby and The Wicked King get stuck together with paste after battling with Donny's cardboard monster, so they try to get unstuck.
November 15, 2013 • 13m
Doc brings Bubble Monkey to visit Donny to cheer him up after he catches a cold, but Bubble Monkey has a sneezing fit that spreads...Read more
November 22, 2013 • 13m
Doc rescues Professor Hootsburgh after being accidentally trapped behind Doc's toy box and was accidentally flattened.
November 22, 2013 • 13m
Gloria the Giggling Gorilla, Donny's new toy, keeps scratching her belly, so Doc investigates the cause of her itch.
December 1, 2013 • 26m
An elf named Tobias needs help after accidentally breaking Donny's new toy, Commander Crush, so Doc and her friends go to the Nort...Read more
December 12, 2013 • 13m
Dolly, Morton, Carl Chug a Chug, and Fabio, the toys in the waiting room at the doctor's office, receive a check up by Doc after w...Read more
December 12, 2013 • 13m
Professor Hootsburgh challenges Eggie, an electronic learning device, to a face-off to see who's the smartest toy in the McStuffin...Read more
January 10, 2014 • 13m
Doc becomes homesick during a sleepover at Emmie and Alma's house, so Stuffy, Lambie and Pickles try to cheer her up.
January 10, 2014 • 13m
Chilly and the other toys think that Rita, Donny's toy cheetah, is sick because of her spots, but Doc later discovers that she doe...Read more
January 31, 2014 • 13m
Hallie discovers that she was based on a popular cartoon character and lets it go into her head.
January 31, 2014 • 13m
Peaches Pie, a cute peach scented doll, refuses to take a bath but doesn't realize that her peachy smell is gone thanks to Rudy pl...Read more
February 14, 2014 • 13m
Celeste, Doc's space projector toy from school is having trouble working by making a strange whirring noise after nearly getting k...Read more
February 14, 2014 • 13m
Doc sprains her ankle during a practice run for a Fun Run while trying to avoid a toy unicorn that was laying on the sidewalk. Doc...Read more
April 4, 2014 • 13m
Frida the Fairy Flier's strings gets knotted up during a very windy day and crashes and it's up to Doc to detangle her strings.
April 4, 2014 • 13m
Rosie the Rescuer, Emmie and Alma's toy EMT ambulance, panics while trying to save Sir Kirby. Later, Doc helps Rosie to calm down ...Read more
April 8, 2014 • 13m
Wildlife Will, a toy explorer, loses his legs after a run in with a Chihuahua and it's up to Doc and company to build a special wheelchair for him.
April 8, 2014 • 13m
Southwest Sal, a toy cowgirl that is literally a cow, has a broken spring which controls her lasso throwing arm, and it's up to Doc to fix her.
April 24, 2014 • 13m
On "Take Your Child To Work Day" Doc helps out at her mom's clinic by giving physicals to The Waiting Room Toys and helps a doll n...Read more
April 24, 2014 • 13m
Star Blazer Zero has a problem riding his bike by crashing into everything and discovered that he had a helmet for a football play...Read more
May 16, 2014 • 13m
A hurricane hits the neighborhood and Doc helps create an evacuation plan for the toys in the clinic including a "buddy system" bu...Read more
May 16, 2014 • 13m
Spritzy Mitzi, an octopus shaped sprinkler toy, ruptures a sprinkler tentacle after getting a pebble stuck in one of her sprinklin...Read more
June 13, 2014 • 13m
While cleaning out the attic Doc's Dad finds a beloved toy from his childhood called Saltwater Serge and Wellington Whale. Serge a...Read more
June 13, 2014 • 13m
Chilly meets up with a stuffed snowman known as "The Dude" when Doc goes to the clinic to make winter gift baskets for a school ch...Read more
June 21, 2014 • 13m
Doc diagnoses Serpent Sam, a cool new snake shaped super soaker water gun toy, who is suffering from "Sticky-it is" after he fills...Read more
June 21, 2014 • 13m
To prove that princesses can do anything knights can do, Princess Persephone, or "Peri," as she likes to be called, challenges Sir...Read more
July 25, 2015 • 13m
A snobbish new doll named Queen Amina arrives to the McStuffins household and start to lock horns with The Wicked King over who sh...Read more
July 25, 2014 • 13m
After losing a relay race, Alma's baby doll Tiny Tessie discovers that she needs to get out of her Sleepy Slumber 2000 Stroller to...Read more
August 22, 2014 • 13m
Oooey Gablooey, a toy sticky starfish which Donny won at the school fair, accidentally punctures himself after landing in a rose b...Read more
August 22, 2014 • 13m
While at the park, Serpent Sam accidentally swallows the Wicked King while filling up with water and Doc and the crew try to figur...Read more
September 26, 2014 • 13m
Doc learns how to triage her patients after becoming overwhelmed with a busy day at the clinic when her and Donny's talking toddle...Read more
September 26, 2014 • 13m
Princess Doc and Princess Lamby are having a tea party when a police car interrupts them. Doc helps Officer Pete recognize that hi...Read more
October 3, 2014 • 13m
Baby Suki's toy penguin Waddly is upset because she doesn't want to play with her and Doc discovers that the mirror in Waddly's tu...Read more
October 3, 2014 • 13m
While playing Mad Scientist, Professor Donny and Professor Alma "create" a toy monster named Creepy Cuddly Charlie that scares all...Read more
October 13, 2014 • 13m
Dr Tundra, Emmie's new teddy bear learns about the medical profession from Doc as a intern in her clinic and helps Stuffy after he...Read more
October 13, 2014 • 13m
Delloroto one of the Super Amazing Ultra Hoppers couldn't jump high like his brothers DiNardo and DiAmbrosio. So Doc (or "Dottores...Read more
November 2, 2014 • 26m
Doc and the toys time travel back to 19th century England and they meet a young Florence Nightingale (Hallie's favorite idol) and ...Read more
November 7, 2014 • 13m
Before Doc and Emmie have a pre-sleepover water fight at the McStuffins residence Hazel, Emmie's new water toy, has a slight sleep...Read more
November 7, 2014 • 13m
During breakfast, Bronty accidentally knocks over and stomps on a bottle of syrup which splashed onto his rear legs and caused his...Read more
November 11, 2014 • 13m
Doc tells her friends including a worrisome Bronty to feel their emotions when Army Al, an action figure, is separated from them a...Read more
November 11, 2014 • 13m
A fox shaped Slinky toy named Sproingo Boingo accidentally twists his spring after doing a dangerous leap from a tall block tower ...Read more
November 21, 2014 • 13m
A wind up toy Sea Turtle named Theodore is extremely shy after that discovering that Hermie who was a old friend from the aquarium...Read more
November 21, 2014 • 13m
During a game of Tickle Tag with Gloria the Giggling Gorilla, Commander Crush starts to malfunction and couldn't stop transforming...Read more
December 5, 2014 • 13m
The toys teach Count Clarence the Magnificent, a cardboard bat who thinks he could fly like a kite about good positive attitudes a...Read more
December 5, 2014 • 13m
Doc purchase a used Rock Star doll named Rockstar Ruby at a Yard Sale but as dirt and gunk builds up over time while being played ...Read more
February 13, 2015 • 13m
It's International Cuddle Day at the clinic but Lambie suffered from a mysterious sneezing fit. Doc discovered that Lambie was cov...Read more
February 13, 2015 • 13m
Kiara, Doc's new Kaleidoscope suffered from a severe dizzy spell after Chilly accidentally fell causing her to crash on the floor.
March 13, 2015 • 13m
Doc helps a toy taxi cab driver named Tony learn the importance of paying attention to where you are going after he crashes while ...Read more
March 13, 2015 • 13m
When Doc's new space doll, Luna 2200 (which she won as first prize at the school's science fair) keeps slipping as she tries to cl...Read more
March 13, 2015 • 13m
Doc gives her viewmaster toy Viewy Stewie an eye exam and discovers that two of his discs are accidentally jammed together causing...Read more
March 13, 2015 • 13m
Doc and the toys help Nikki Nickel, a piggybank who only likes shiny coins, see that trying something new can be fun after Doc tri...Read more
March 13, 2015 • 13m
After Doc discovers that Coach Kay, a small plastic doll in a football/soccer kit has a crack in her whistle valve, she takes her ...Read more
March 13, 2015 • 13m
Doc and the toys learn an important lesson about sun exposure after Donny accidentally leaves Bronty outside buried in the garden ...Read more
August 14, 2015 • 13m
Episode 69 of Season 2 premiered on August 14, 2015
August 14, 2015 • 13m
Episode 70 of Season 2 premiered on August 14, 2015
September 12, 2015 • 13m
Episode 71 of Season 2 premiered on September 12, 2015
September 12, 2015 • 13m
Episode 72 of Season 2 premiered on September 12, 2015