The first season of the fantasy series set in the quirky and seemingly perfect small town of Eureka, where the hidden work of America's brightest scie...Read more
Season 2
2007 • 13 Episodes
Season 2 of Eureka premiered on July 10, 2007
The second season of the fantasy series set in the quirky and seemingly perfect small town of Eureka, where the hidden work of America's brightest sci...Read more
Season 3
2008 • 18 Episodes
Season 3 of Eureka premiered on July 29, 2008
The third season of the fantasy series set in the quirky and seemingly perfect small town of Eureka, where the hidden work of America's brightest scie...Read more
Season 4
2010 • 21 Episodes
Season 4 of Eureka premiered on July 9, 2010
The fourth season of the fantasy series set in the quirky and seemingly perfect small town of Eureka, where the hidden work of America's brightest sci...Read more
Season 5
2012 • 13 Episodes
Season 5 of Eureka premiered on April 16, 2012
The fifth and final season of the fantasy series set in the quirky and seemingly perfect small town of Eureka, where the hidden work of America's brig...Read more