September 2, 1991
A new project is introduced: the renovation of a 17-year-old ranch-style house in Plymouth, Mass. Included: a look at other homes in Plymouth.
September 9, 1991
The deck and front entryway are demolished. Also: a look at an architect's computer-generated plans for the house.
September 16, 1991
Construction begins on the front entryway; the old bathroom fixtures are removed.
September 23, 1991
Work begins on the new bathroom; a window and roof trim are added to the entryway. Also: landscaping plans.
September 30, 1991
A broken storm window is replaced; tile work is started in the bathroom; a bathroom vanity is installed. Also: a tour of a tile factory in Florida.
October 7, 1991
Installed: a bay window in the dining room; cabinet doors in the kitchen. Also: a tour of a country-style kitchen in Nantucket, Massachusetts.
January 1, 1970
Installed a laminated kitchen countertop, and a vinyl floor. Also, the exterior is painted and a backyard deck is started.
October 21, 1991
Colonial-style molding and a mantelpiece are installed in the living room; the backyard deck is completed. Also: a visit to the ho...Read more
October 28, 1991
A masonry barbecue is repaired; the basement remodeling begins.
November 4, 1991
A decorator offers suggestions on choosing wallpaper; a paperhanger demonstrates his craft in the living room. Also: a floor is in...Read more
November 11, 1991
Wiring is installed for a Colonial-style light fixture and a the refrigerator's icemaker is hooked up. Also: a trellis is construc...Read more
November 18, 1991
Bob constructs a plate rack for the dining room and shops for carpet for the living room. Outside, shrubs are transplanted, perenn...Read more
November 25, 1991
The finished house is toured, including the basement rec room, and the designer discusses the Colonial decor. Also: a look at the ...Read more
December 2, 1991
Bob goes hunting for a house to remodel in Naples, Florida. He tours the 'Cracker' cottage he plans to renovate, then looks at sim...Read more
December 9, 1991
A landscaper transplants a frangipani tree. Also: termite damage is checked.
December 16, 1991
The architect presents her plans; the contractor explains the demolition process.
December 23, 1991
Included: a visit to a salvage yard in search of doors and lavatories. Demonstrated: how to wash peeling paint from exterior siding.
December 30, 1991
Demonstrated: smoothing out exterior siding using spackle; replacing an attic louver; and installing French doors in the entryway.
January 27, 1992
Included: the pool is tiled; drywall is installed in the living room; the carport is made into a garden area. Also: a visit to the...Read more
February 3, 1992
Installed: kitchen cabinets; screening and a ceiling fan on the porch. Also: an update on the New York tenement project.
February 6, 1992
Included: replacing porch windows and constructing a tongue-and-groove deck. Also: a shower-drain installation begins.
February 20, 1992
The pool walls are formed and reinforced and wainscoting is installed in the bathroom. Also: a visit to a development project in New York.
February 24, 1992
A look at the landscaped areas and the slat house. Also: refinishing used furniture.