Season 2 (1991)

Split-level Ranch: Selecting the House

September 2, 1991

A new project is introduced: the renovation of a 17-year-old ranch-style house in Plymouth, Mass. Included: a look at other homes in Plymouth.

Split-level Ranch: Demolition and Remodeling

September 9, 1991

The deck and front entryway are demolished. Also: a look at an architect's computer-generated plans for the house.

Split-level Ranch: Framing and Demolition

September 16, 1991

Construction begins on the front entryway; the old bathroom fixtures are removed.

Split-level Ranch: Septic System, Bathroom Fixtures and Windows

September 23, 1991

Work begins on the new bathroom; a window and roof trim are added to the entryway. Also: landscaping plans.

Split-level Ranch: Paint Prep, Attic Louver and French Doors

September 30, 1991

A broken storm window is replaced; tile work is started in the bathroom; a bathroom vanity is installed. Also: a tour of a tile factory in Florida.

Split-level Ranch: Bay Window and Cabinet Doors

October 7, 1991

Installed: a bay window in the dining room; cabinet doors in the kitchen. Also: a tour of a country-style kitchen in Nantucket, Massachusetts.

Split-level Ranch: Counters, Deck and Vinyl Floor

January 1, 1970

Installed a laminated kitchen countertop, and a vinyl floor. Also, the exterior is painted and a backyard deck is started.

Split-level Ranch: Fireplace and Deck

October 21, 1991

Colonial-style molding and a mantelpiece are installed in the living room; the backyard deck is completed. Also: a visit to the ho...Read more

Split-level Ranch: Masonry and Floor

October 28, 1991

A masonry barbecue is repaired; the basement remodeling begins.

Split-level Ranch: Installing Wallpaper, Door and Paneling

November 4, 1991

A decorator offers suggestions on choosing wallpaper; a paperhanger demonstrates his craft in the living room. Also: a floor is in...Read more

Split-level Ranch: Light Fixture Wiring and Trellis

November 11, 1991

Wiring is installed for a Colonial-style light fixture and a the refrigerator's icemaker is hooked up. Also: a trellis is construc...Read more

Split-level Ranch: Plate Rack Construction

November 18, 1991

Bob constructs a plate rack for the dining room and shops for carpet for the living room. Outside, shrubs are transplanted, perenn...Read more

Split-level Ranch: House Tour

November 25, 1991

The finished house is toured, including the basement rec room, and the designer discusses the Colonial decor. Also: a look at the ...Read more

Cracker Cottage: Selecting and Touring the House

December 2, 1991

Bob goes hunting for a house to remodel in Naples, Florida. He tours the 'Cracker' cottage he plans to renovate, then looks at sim...Read more

Cracker Cottage: Outdoor Work and Planning

December 9, 1991

A landscaper transplants a frangipani tree. Also: termite damage is checked.

Cracker Cottage: Demolition and Roof Brackets

December 16, 1991

The architect presents her plans; the contractor explains the demolition process.

Cracker Cottage: Installing a Door and Removing Paint

December 23, 1991

Included: a visit to a salvage yard in search of doors and lavatories. Demonstrated: how to wash peeling paint from exterior siding.

Cracker Cottage: Paint Prep, Attic Louver and French Doors

December 30, 1991

Demonstrated: smoothing out exterior siding using spackle; replacing an attic louver; and installing French doors in the entryway.

Cracker Cottage: Swimming Pool and Drywall Ceiling

January 27, 1992

Included: the pool is tiled; drywall is installed in the living room; the carport is made into a garden area. Also: a visit to the...Read more

Cracker Cottage: Cabinets, Ceiling Fan and Porch Screen

February 3, 1992

Installed: kitchen cabinets; screening and a ceiling fan on the porch. Also: an update on the New York tenement project.

Cracker Cottage: Installing Windows and Shower

February 6, 1992

Included: replacing porch windows and constructing a tongue-and-groove deck. Also: a shower-drain installation begins.

Cracker Cottage: Constructing the Swimming Pool and Shower Stall

February 20, 1992

The pool walls are formed and reinforced and wainscoting is installed in the bathroom. Also: a visit to a development project in New York.

Cracker Cottage: House Tour

February 24, 1992

A look at the landscaped areas and the slat house. Also: refinishing used furniture.