Season 1 (1994)

Thump Thump Shudder Shudder - The Dangerous Siblings!

May 27, 1994

A city is under attack, its inhabitants fleeing in panic. In a temple somewhere nearby, a man is working on some type of spell. As...Read more

Nervous Nervous Sweat Sweat - Finals Are Scarier Than the Enemy!?

July 22, 1994

A starkly lit, black and white scene depicts two men being throw headlong to the ground. Their enemy, Kijima Touta, turns and look...Read more

Ache Ache Pant Pant - The Stressful Final Battle!

October 7, 1994

Sitting alone in her room, Hazumi sulks over her inability to protect Takumi and losing her sword. Her mother walks in and chastis...Read more

Shred Shred Crumble Crumble - There Are Many Different Ways of Winning!

November 25, 1994

As the show opens, news helicopters are flitting around the giant, monolithic Gate, and a reporter's frantic voice can be heard tr...Read more