March 3, 2013 • 1h 36m
Noah endures God's wrath; Abraham reaches the Promised Land but still must prove his faith in God; Moses leads the Israelites out ...Read more
March 10, 2013 • 1h 36m
Joshua conquers Jericho; Delilah betrays Samson as the Israelites battle the Philistines; Samuel anoints David king, a move that c...Read more
March 17, 2013 • 1h 36m
The Jews are enslaved in Babylon; Daniel is thrown into the lions' den, but when his faith endures and God spares him, the Jews ar...Read more
March 24, 2013 • 1h 36m
Jesus feeds the crowds in Galilee and brings a dead man, Lazarus, back to life; Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey–a declar...Read more
March 31, 2013 • 1h 35m
Peter denies Jesus and Judas hangs himself; the crowd clamors for Jesus's death; Jesus is crucified, but when Mary Magdalene goes ...Read more