January 4, 2010
Stephen tries out for the U.S. curling team, and Erick Erickson opposes the RNC's purity test.
January 5, 2010
The military responds to the underwear bomber, and Riley Crane wins a contest to find 10 balloons.
January 6, 2010
The Senate and House debate health care, and Charles Moore discovers a floating patch of garbage.
January 7, 2010
America executes fewer prisoners, and James Fowler talks about the power of social networks.
January 11, 2010
Eugene Jarecki speaks out against large banks, and Morgan Freeman says untrustworthy things.
January 12, 2010
Obama won't admit we're in the middle of a war, and Raj Patel talks about "The Value of Nothing."
January 13, 2010
Stephen examines the "Avatar" controversy and talks to John Heilemann about "Game Change."
January 14, 2010
Americans walk away from their mortgages, and Stephen talks to Kathleen Sebelius.
January 18, 2010
Stephen wants to dig for coal, and Emily Pilloton uses industrial design to help the world's needy.
January 19, 2010
Stephen attempts to make an Olympic team, and Stephen Bosworth talks about North Korea.
January 20, 2010
Stephen races speedskater Shani Davis and overcomes adversity to interview Dick Ebersol.
January 21, 2010
Stephen reviews Obama's first year in office, examines airport terrorism and discusses national security with John Farmer, dean of...Read more
January 25, 2010
An unlikely candidate emerges for a New York Senate seat, and Kati Marton discusses communist Hungary.
January 26, 2010
Paul Begala urges Democrats to fight back, and Mika Brzezinski balances work with parenting.
January 27, 2010
Stephen demands an iPad and hopes Arthur Benjamin tells him what comes after 14.
January 28, 2010
Stephen praises Bob McDonnell's speech, and David Gergen examines the State of the Union address.
February 1, 2010
Stephen wins a Grammy, and Harold Ford Jr. defends his new support for gay marriage.
February 2, 2010
Stephen pays tribute to J.D. Salinger, and Eliot Spitzer is happy to see Obama tough on Wall Street.
February 3, 2010
Stephen has advice for getting America back to work, and John Durant wants us to live like cavemen.
February 4, 2010
A former CIA agent makes startling revelations, and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. analyzes Stephen's DNA.
February 8, 2010
Sarah Palin writes notes on her hand, and Jonathan Safran Foer urges Americans to eat less meat.
February 9, 2010
Chris Dodd wants to take away corporate free speech, and George Stephanopoulos drinks a Heineken.
February 10, 2010
Stephen profiles Chicago's 5th district, and Claire Danes discusses her role as Temple Grandin.
February 11, 2010
Al Michaels considers an Al Qaeda bobsled team, and Stephen unveils his Vancouver poster to David Ross.
February 22, 2010
Stephen offends Ujjal Dosanjh and invites Shaun White for a Canadian beer.
February 23, 2010
Lindsey Vonn discusses her Austrian cheese remedy, and Bob Costas doesn't care who wins.
February 24, 2010
Scott Hamilton discusses figure skating, while Ryan St. Onge and Jeret Peterson face an intervention.
February 25, 2010
Shani Davis thanks the Colbert Nation for his medals, and Seth Wescott refuses to wear tight clothing.
March 1, 2010
Michael Buble sings two national anthems, and Don Cheadle considers doing heroin for Darfur.
March 2, 2010
Kids may be the key to our economic future, and David Brooks discusses moderate conservatism.
March 3, 2010
Scheherazade Rehman debates Greece's economy, and Garry Wills says the president has too much power.
March 4, 2010
Iraqi candidates sway voters with gifts, and Barry Schwartz explains the downside of too many choices.
March 8, 2010
Ezra Klein details the reconciliation process, and Tom Hanks discusses his role as a history maker.
March 9, 2010
Pringles recalls its two best flavors, and Annie Leonard says Americans have too much stuff.
March 10, 2010
Charlie Cook discusses health care reconciliation, and Sean Carroll talks about the mystery of time.
March 11, 2010
Scott Rasmussen interprets poll results, and David Aaronovitch discusses conspiracy theories.
March 15, 2010
Stephen questions the media's focus and asks Robert Baer if the squirrel is in the basket.
March 16, 2010
Stephen examines the way Americans eat and talks to Rebecca Skloot about the ethics of science.
March 17, 2010
Doctors offer vasectomy deals for March Madness, and Stephen arm-wrestles Nell Irvin Painter.
March 18, 2010
James Martin defends social justice, and Mary Matalin tries to avoid Republican talking points.
March 29, 2010
Stephen breeds the elderly in captivity, and Claire McCaskill sends a message to Rush Limbaugh.
March 30, 2010
Scandal rocks the church even harder than Creed, and Simon Johnson thinks banks have too much power.
March 31, 2010
The federal government raids an anti-government militia, and Craig Mullaney discusses Afghanistan.
April 1, 2010
David Frum gets fired from the Republican cult, and Judith Shulevitz discusses the Sabbath.
April 5, 2010
Fox cancels "24," and Dean Kamen talks about his new advanced prosthetic arm invention.
April 6, 2010
Scrabble changes its rules to allow proper names, and Al Sharpton fights for education reform.
April 7, 2010
Jeff Goldblum blesses a cigarette, and David Simon talks about his new show, "Treme."
April 8, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes astrophysicist and the director of the Hayden Planetarium, Neil DeGrasse Tyson
April 12, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange. Also, Stephen talks with Jeffrey Toobin about the replacement o...Read more
April 13, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes New York Times journalist Jon Mooallem.
April 14, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes the author of Reality Hunger: A Manifesto, David Shields. Also, Stephen talks with the host of This Week,...Read more
April 15, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes athlete, actress and activist Aimee Mullins
April 19, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes political pundit George Will. Also, Stephen talks with New York Times financial columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin
April 20, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes the chief executive of Dreamworks animation, Jeffrey Katzenberg.
April 21, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes Oregon State University's basketball coach and author of A Game of Character: A Family Journey from Chica...Read more
April 22, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes musical group Gorillaz.
April 26, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes singer Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings.
April 27, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes the co-author of The Dangerous Book of Heroes, Conn Iggulden.
April 28, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes the contributing editor for the Atlantic Monthly and author of Sonic Boom: Globalization at Mach Speed, Gregg Easterbrook.
April 29, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes the band Ok Go. Also, Stephen talks with California's Lt. Governor Abel Moldonado about Proposition 14.
May 3, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes Harvard law professor Elizabeth Warren. Also, Stephen talks with the president of the Salt Institute Lori...Read more
May 4, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes explorer, biologist and author of Adventures among Ants: A Global Safari with a Cast of Trillions, Mark M...Read more
May 5, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes the founder of StoryCorps and author of Mom: A Celebration of Mothers from StoryCorps, David Isay.
May 6, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes environmentalist and author of Whole Earth Discipline: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto, Stewart Brand. Also, S...Read more
May 10, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes the former Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson, Also, Stephen talks with George Washington University's S...Read more
May 11, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes historian and author of Hellhound on His Trail: The Stalking of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Internati...Read more
May 12, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes self help guru and author of The Shadow Effect: Illuminating the Hidden Power of Your True Self, Deepak Chopra.
May 13, 2010
Tonight Stephen welcomes the band The Hold Steady.
June 1, 2010
Manned spaceflight nears its end, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali lives under a constant death threat.
June 2, 2010
Stephen shows shocking footage from Spain, and Lisa Miller spends seven minutes in Heaven.
June 3, 2010
Stephen visits the offices of Consumer Reports, and Vampire Weekend performs.
June 7, 2010
Stephen fundraises for a worthy cause, and Jonathan Alter discusses President Obama's first year.
June 8, 2010
Stephen visits the Consumer Reports labs, and Mark Frauenfelder plays his cigar-box guitar.
June 9, 2010
Michael Oren defends Israel's flotilla raid, and Sam Nunn warns of the nuclear terrorism threat.
June 10, 2010
Marc Fisher debates soccer with Mark Starr, and Alan Bean shows off his moon dust paintings.
June 14, 2010
Stephen recaps the Tony Awards, and Stephen Prothero is going to Hell in seven religions.
June 15, 2010
Stephen has to stop hunting men and wants Carl Safina to change the color of his Blue Ocean Institute.
June 16, 2010
Stephen gives a short, self-indulgent update on Twitter, and Devo performs.
June 17, 2010
Stephen helps Bob Inglis win in South Carolina, and David Mamet discusses the dying theater.
June 21, 2010
Stephen interviews for an astronaut position, and Wes Moore discusses the imprisoned Wes Moore.
June 22, 2010
Stephen starts his astronaut training, and Gloria Steinem discusses the benefits of men raising kids.
June 23, 2010
Stephen asks if Glenn Beck is a civil rights hero and talks to Tim Westergren about Pandora.
June 24, 2010
Stephen completes astronaut training, and Michael Specter discusses the dangers of denying science.
June 28, 2010
Michael Hastings discusses Rolling Stone article, and John Waters supports childhood rebellion.
June 29, 2010
BP puts a positive spin on the oil spill, and Stephen interviews Mayor Julian Castro.
June 30, 2010
Stephen plays one-on-one with Allan Houston, and Nicholas Carr criticizes the Internet.
July 1, 2010
Texas Republicans want to criminalize homosexuality, and Manny Howard turns his backyard into a farm.
July 5, 2010
Stephen joins Cindy Cohn on the Internet and talks to Michio Kaku about invisibility cloaks.
July 6, 2010
Writer Garret Keizer talks about his new book: "The Unwanted Sound of Everything We Want: A Book About Noise"
July 7, 2010
Actor and old friend Steve Carell faces off against Stephen Colbert
July 8, 2010
Arturo Rodriguez, president of the United Farm Workers of America talks with Stephen about immigrant workers.
July 26, 2010
Stephen downloads the solution to stop media piracy, and Hephzibah Anderson talks about her year without sex.
July 27, 2010
Stephen questions the mission in Afghanistan and challenges Kevin Kline with Shakespeare.
July 28, 2010
President Obama blows off the Boy Scouts, and Elon Musk discusses the future of electric cars.
July 29, 2010
Bill O'Reilly issues a rare apology, and Stephen pours Andy Cohen a cocktail.
August 2, 2010
Stephen previews the 2012 Olympics in London, and Jimmy Cliff performs.
August 3, 2010
Stephen reads some of Barack Obama's private musings to Laura Ingraham.
August 4, 2010
P.K. Winsome introduces Nielsen Mandela, and Michael Posner discusses international democracy.
August 5, 2010
Californians can now legally marry their pot plant, and Savion Glover performs.
August 10, 2010
Stephen names his Alpha Dog of the Week, and talks to Dylan Ratigan about Wall Street.
August 11, 2010
Michelle Obama vacations in Spain, and David Finkel describes the Iraq War's effect on American troops.
August 12, 2010
Stephen checks in on the state of America's seniors and talks to Chuck Close about art.
August 16, 2010
Richard Clarke wants a smaller intelligence community, and John Fetterman revitalizes Braddock, PA.
August 17, 2010
Stephen examines the meat industry and asks Barry Levine about his National Enquirer file.
August 18, 2010
Laura Schlessinger gets in trouble, and Thomas French explains what it takes to build a zoo.
August 19, 2010
Stephen finds out if there's still BP oil in the Gulf, and talks to Jon Krakauer about glory.
August 23, 2010
President Obama must prove he's not Muslim, and Leslie Kean calls for an investigation of UFOs.
August 24, 2010
Stephen examines Internet privacy and talks to Jeffrey Goldberg about conflict in the Middle East.
August 25, 2010
Andrew Hacker dismisses for-profit colleges, and Heidi Cullen warns of extreme weather
August 26, 2010
Glenn Beck re-founds America, and Richard Engel talks about the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
September 7, 2010
The Tea Party wins midterm primaries, and Anthony Romero celebrates the ACLU's anniversary.
September 8, 2010
Stephen kicks off his salute to the troops tonight with appearances by the Vice President of the United States and the general who shaved his head.
September 9, 2010
David Petraeus honors the Colbert Nation, while Brent Cummings and Josh Bleill talk about their tours.
September 13, 2010
Lisa Birnbach released "The Official Preppy Handbook" in 1980. Who'd have thought that 30 years later, we'd still have preppies but not books.
September 14, 2010
Stephen solves the Ground Zero mosque crisis and listens to Sean Wilentz mumble about Bob Dylan.
September 15, 2010
The Tea Party wins the Republican primaries, and Saul Griffith tries to solve global warming.
September 16, 2010
Stephen announces his March to Keep Fear Alive and talks to Lawrence O'Donnell about Tea Partiers.
September 20, 2010
A 106-year-old woman shares her secret to long life, and Pavement reunites after 11 years.
September 21, 2010
Craigslist shuts down its adult services, and Google CEO Eric Schmidt searches for himself.
September 22, 2010
President Obama gives a back-to-school speech, and Guillermo del Toro meets Stephen del Matador.
September 23, 2010
Stephen concludes his migrant farm worker training and talks to Oscar Goodman about Las Vegas.
September 27, 2010
The GOP blocks the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell," and Ken Burns talks about "The Tenth Inning."
September 28, 2010
Democratic voters suffer from apathy, and Stephen doubts if Ross Douthat is that conservative.
September 29, 2010
The koala population suffers from Chlamydia, and Steven Rattner discusses the auto industry bailout.
September 30, 2010
Stephen questions poll reliability and talks to Aaron Sorkin in the hall while people hand them stuff.
October 4, 2010
The Tea Party reaches out to kids, and Eugene Robinson discusses the four groups of black America.
October 5, 2010
Stephen looks at the Mexican drug war, and Leon Botstein wants to eliminate two years of school
October 6, 2010
The government tries to take control of America's food, and Mavis Staples and Jeff Tweedy perform.
October 7, 2010
Joseph Califano debates Gary Johnson over Prop 19, and Davis Guggenheim addresses failing schools.
October 11, 2010
Muslims might take over the food supply, and Robert Reich talks about the future of the U.S. economy.
October 12, 2010
Schools find a new way to raise money, and M. Night Shyamalan isn't really here.
October 13, 2010
Stephen questions whether it's fair to tax the rich, and Austan Goolsbee gives Obama economic advice.
October 14, 2010
Stephen gives away free bus tickets to D.C., and Bill Bryson talks about sex in the Middle Ages.
October 25, 2010
Stephen celebrates his fifth anniversary, and Nicholas Negroponte gives laptops to poor children.
October 26, 2010
Stephen prepares for the apocalypse, and Garry Wills writes a book about himself.
October 27, 2010
Stephen looks at the Democrats' chances in the midterms and gives Apolo Ohno a regret.
October 28, 2010
The McRib returns on election day, and Maira Kalman falls in love with Abraham Lincoln.
November 1, 2010
Christine O'Donnell prays, and Jonathan Alter says Obama's allergy to gimmickry has hurt him.
November 2, 2010
Stephen covers the change sweeping through America with a live broadcast.
November 3, 2010
Californians decide on Prop 19, and Doris Kearns Goodwin puts the midterm election into perspective.
November 4, 2010
A popular children's TV character is outed, and Elvis Costello threatens to cut off Stephen's thumbs.
November 8, 2010
Rand Paul wants to protect the rich, and Reza Aslan wants to bring down democracy through art.
November 9, 2010
Stephen promises to lob softball questions at George W. Bush, and Cee Lo Green performs.
November 10, 2010
Michelle Obama shakes hands with a conservative Muslim, and Stephen cooks for Martha Stewart.
November 11, 2010
Wall Street hands out record bonuses, Nintendo goes to court, and Quincy Jones wants a Latin Grammy.
November 15, 2010
Jeffrey Goldberg opposes full-body scanners, and David Stern misses short shorts.
November 16, 2010
Stephen looks at the new trend in alcoholic energy drinks, and John Legend performs "Shine."
November 17, 2010
Stephen wonders if America can trim its national debt, and Ian Frazier talks about Siberia.
November 18, 2010
Joseph Gobbles shoots Jay the Intern, and Salvatore Giunta credits the bravery of American troops.
November 29, 2010
The advice columnist and Colbert Report national spokes-gay returns to talk about his new anti-suicide initiative for gay teenagers.
November 30, 2010
James Rubin discusses the WikiLeaks document dump, and Tom Vilsack brings a cheddar cheese head.
December 1, 2010
The former education commissioner talks about her efforts to reform the Washington D.C. school system.
December 2, 2010
Episode 153 of Season 6 premiered on December 2, 2010
December 6, 2010
Obama tries to win over Republicans, and Garry Trudeau looks back on 40 years of "Doonesbury."
December 7, 2010
Obama extends the Bush tax cuts, and David and Julie Eisenhower recall growing up in the White House.
December 8, 2010
Stephen tests Steve Martin's art knowledge and tries to sell him last year's portrait.
December 9, 2010
William Wegman arts up Stephen's portrait, and Julie Taymor talks about "The Tempest."
December 13, 2010
Stephen wants to feed the economy that Jamie Lee Curtis yogurt and asks Patti Smith about her memoir.
December 14, 2010
Stephen wins the Golden Tweet Award and takes issue with some of Stephen Sondheim's lyrics.
December 15, 2010
America is at cyberwar, and Laird Hamilton shoots the curl of Stephen's rage.
December 16, 2010
Jesus may be a liberal Democrat, Amy Sedaris makes a tie snake, and Paul Simon performs.