June 1, 2012 • 22m
Canadians are not widely regarded as fashionable, but we can proudly wear the label of fashionistas - because the clothing items w...Read more
June 1, 2012 • 22m
Time may be unstoppable but its not as immutable as one might suppose. Here we tell the story of three brilliant inventions that t...Read more
June 8, 2012 • 22m
Canadian contributions to space exploration including the Canadarm, Dexter and Laydar.
June 8, 2012 • 22m
'Hewers of wood and drawers of water' is how Canadians were traditionally (and pejoratively) dismissed, abroad and (shockingly) at...Read more
June 15, 2012 • 22m
Canada: home of the superhero, fighting for truth, justice and the Canadian way! Wait a minute... What do superheroes have to do w...Read more
June 15, 2012 • 22m
Episode 6 of Season 1 premiered on June 15, 2012
June 22, 2012 • 22m
Our official summer and winter sports are really variations on the same theme: brutally bulldozing through your opponents to hamme...Read more
June 22, 2012 • 22m
The traditional Canadian diet tends to be basic meat and potatoes. And perhaps it's proof that people must have delights in their ...Read more
June 29, 2012 • 22m
This episode is all about how Canadians have translated our cheerful ability to attend to the little things in life into some bril...Read more
June 29, 2012 • 22m
As long as Canadians have had garages and basements, there have been guys holed up in them tinkering with weird vehicular contrapt...Read more
July 6, 2012 • 22m
Survival, as Margaret Atwood said, is our middle name. We have always had to get by in a landscape and climate which are blithely ...Read more
July 6, 2012 • 22m
"Revolutionary Perspectives" reports on this wonderful trait through the stories of three visionary inventions: the microscope tha...Read more
July 13, 2012 • 22m
Canadian innovations for getting around in the snow.
July 13, 2012 • 22m
Just as we seem to be congenital peacemakers, so too are Canadians a nation of healers. In this episode we look at the remarkable ...Read more