Season 1 (2002)

Heat A

March 24, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Atomic From: Worcester Weight: 176 Lbs Dimensions: 18' X 40' X 36' Power: Electric Motors Weapo...Read more

Heat B

March 31, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Robochicken Weight: 165 Lbs Dimensions: 36' X 44' X 35' Power: Battery Powered Weapons: Pneumatic...Read more

Heat C

March 31, 2002

At the top of the show, Stefan talks about robots who couldn't ""cut the mustard"" and also about ""surprise upsets."" Our host, J...Read more

Heat D

April 7, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Steg 2 Seated: #7 Weight: 176 Lbs Dimensions: 14' X 34' X 28' Power: Electric Motor Powered Wea...Read more

Heat E

April 7, 2002

Episode 5 of Season 1 premiered on April 7, 2002

Heat F

April 14, 2002

Episode 6 of Season 1 premiered on April 14, 2002

Heat G

April 14, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Kronic the Wedgehog Weight: 172 Lbs Dimensions: 20' X 40' X 32' Power: 2 X Car Motors Weapons: Fl...Read more

Heat H

April 21, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Wheelosaurus From: Gilford Weight: 170 Lbs Dimensions: 30' X 59' X 54' Power: Gas Driven Motor ...Read more

Heat I

April 21, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Eric From: Franfield in East Sussex Weight: 175 Lbs Dimensions: 22' x 53' x 30' Power: 2 x Wheelc...Read more

Heat J

April 28, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Clawed Hopper Weight: 306 Lbs Dimensions: 20' X 51' X 54' Power: 3 X Starter Motors Weapons: 2 X ...Read more

Heat K

April 28, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Evil Weevil Seated: #12 Weight: 176 Lbs Dimensions: 12' X 43' X 28' Power: 2 X Electric Motors ...Read more

Heat L

May 5, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Knightmare Weight: 176 Lbs Dimensions: 18' X 28' X 45' Power: 2 X 24V Industrial Motors Weapons: ...Read more

Heat M

May 5, 2002

Robots In This Episode: The Steel Avenger Weight: 175 Lbs Dimensions: 28' X 48' X 25' Power: 2 X Electric Motors Weapons:...Read more

Heat N

May 12, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Arnold, Arnold Terminegger Weight: 162 Lbs Dimensions: 24' X 18' X 31' Power: 2 X Electric Motors ...Read more

Heat O

May 12, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Panic Attack Seated: #4 Weight: 178 Lbs Dimensions: 6' X 39' X 28' Power: 2 X Wiper Motors Weap...Read more

Heat P

May 19, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Raizer Blade From: Cambridge Weight: 175 Lbs Dimensions: 20' X 59' X 30' Power: 2 X 750W Industri...Read more

Semi Final 1

May 19, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Chaos 2 From: Ipswich Seated: #1 and Reigning Champion Weight: 175 Lbs Dimensions: 15' X 36' X 28...Read more

Semi Final 2

May 26, 2002

Robots In This Episode: Stinger From: Lincoln Seated: #30 Weight: 170 Lbs Dimensions: 15' X 28' X 24' Power: 2 X Electr...Read more

Grand Final

May 26, 2002

Episode 19 of Season 1 premiered on May 26, 2002

The Annihilator (North)

June 2, 2002

In this special ""Annihilator"" episode of Robot Wars: Grand Champions, Spikasarus beat out five other robots to win this Annihilator.

The Annihilator (South)

June 2, 2002

At the beginning of the show, Stefan explains that ""six robots go in and five go through into the next round"" in the first round...Read more

War of Independence

June 4, 2002

Mortis beat out Frenzy in the War of Independence to hand the victory over to the British.

Tag Team Terror

June 9, 2002

King B3 (a revised version of King Buxton) and 101 are the winners of the Robot Wars: Grand Champions Tag Team Terror episode.