Season 3 (2015)

Havana Kill Castro

October 28, 2015 • 22m

McCool takes the Falcones to Cuba on vacation. Jimmy hates it for being a ‘Communist hell-hole’, but cheers up when he discovers t...Read more

Universal Prostitution and Pizza Fridays

November 13, 2015 • 22m

Jimmy calls Cheech a ‘Bum', doing the worst thing one goodfella can do to another: telling him the truth about himself. Cheech dec...Read more

Just Stick It in That There Doo-Dad

November 20, 2015 • 22m

When Cookie finds a photo album of Jimmy’s gumars (girlfriends) from the old life (Cheech’s fault), Jimmy takes her away for a rom...Read more

Confetti Deathblow

November 27, 2015 • 22m

Through a misunderstanding, Cookie starts to think Petey is gay. She does her best to support him, but is shocked when it turns ou...Read more

Jimmy Gets Goosed

December 4, 2015 • 22m

Jimmy's boss Toby makes him take anger management then invites Jimmy over for dinner to meet his horrible mother. Cheech starts da...Read more

Casino Loyale

December 11, 2015 • 22m

Jimmy convinces Regina Tourism to open a casino. He winds up being a big casino boss, but gets into a rivalry with Cookie when she...Read more

Vagina's Got Talent

December 18, 2015 • 22m

Cookie enters Theresa in Regina's Got Talent to stick it to a rival mother who's son is a three-time winner. Theresa wants to do h...Read more

New York State of Blind Drunk

January 1, 2016 • 22m

Jimmy, Cheech, and McCool get hammered one night and awaken in Jimmy's old house in New York. They have to get out of New York but...Read more

Cookie's Ovary-actin'

January 8, 2016 • 22m

When Cookie gets baby fever and wants another kid, Jimmy refuses to sleep with her. Problem is, he “feels the need” but can’t find...Read more

Royal Canadian Groping Pariah

January 22, 2016 • 22m

When Jimmy sees a seemingly compromising picture of McCool with Theresa (it’s totally innocent), he ruins McCool’s life and gets h...Read more

What the F#@K Is the Grey Cup

January 29, 2016 • 22m

Jimmy and Cheech become big CFL fans and invite the Saskatchewan Rough Riders over for a barbecue. The entire team gets food poiso...Read more


February 5, 2016 • 22m

Jimmy and Petey go on a hunting trip and come home with a Sasquatch (Dave Foley). Jimmy learns how hard McCool's job is when he ha...Read more

Nonna You Business

February 12, 2016 • 22m

Jimmy’s aged great-grandmother from Italy is dying so McCool arranges for her to visit Regina. Jimmy and the family have to fool N...Read more

Layin' Some Pipeline

February 19, 2016 • 22m

Jimmy and Cheech help the premiere of Saskatchewan pass a controversial law that brands anti-oil pipeline protestors as terrorists...Read more

Keepin' up With the McFelchers

February 26, 2016 • 22m

Jimmy’s new neighbor turns out to be a Quebec biker who’s also in witness protection. Jimmy is banned from associating with him, b...Read more

Hot, Wet, Amphibious Summer

March 4, 2016 • 22m

Petey gets a summer job at the tourism bureau and lies about Regina history while running a bus tour. His lies prove so popular th...Read more

Horse Springs Paternal

March 11, 2016 • 22m

Horse gets Jimmy and Cheech’s new racehorse pregnant so they sue McCool. In order to pay the boys back, McCool must track down his...Read more

An Unmarried Bra Whisperer

March 18, 2016 • 22m

When Cookie discovers that Jimmy was engaged to someone else when he met her, but never mentioned it, she moves out. Now living on...Read more

Spicy Apocalypse

March 25, 2016 • 22m

In an effort to raise money to send Petey to an underwater science school, Jimmy sells a formula Cheech invented for spice neutral...Read more

Vengence Wore a Unitard

April 1, 2016 • 22m

Carlo Gambini tracks the Falcones to Regina. He’s there to kill Cheech… or is he there just to see Gina again. Gina’s faced with a...Read more