June 19, 2011 • 30m
King Charles II raps about his party lifestyle, Helen of Troy reveals her complicated love life, Shakespeare appears on Mastermind...Read more
June 26, 2011 • 30m
A rich Georgian swaps lives with a peasant in Historical Wife Swap. Toilet paper, tarmac, and typewriters - find out what else tho...Read more
July 3, 2011 • 30m
In this episode, there is good news for George IV, a WWII evacuee encounters the horrors of the countryside, Joan of Arc gets an u...Read more
July 10, 2011 • 30m
Prank-loving teenage Emperor Elagabalus hosts a dinner party on Roman Come Dine With Me.
July 24, 2011 • 30m
The Durham Home Guard injure themselves while learning first aid.
July 31, 2011 • 30m
Crimewatch BC tries to solve the murder of Julius Caesar.