July 26, 2003 • 25m
Shouryuu begins his tale about Atsuyu, an officer of Gen State who raised a rebelliion against his rule. And of Koya, a boy that w...Read more
August 2, 2003 • 25m
Shouryuu continues his tale of Atsuyu. With Rokuta held captive in Gen State, Atsuyu sends a messenger to Shouryuu at Kankyuu, to give him his terms.
August 16, 2003 • 25m
The river embankment is under construction causing Atsuyu to fear that the king is attempting to flood his town. Rokuta discovers ...Read more
August 23, 2003 • 25m
Atsuya loses support from his people when the people rebel against Atsuya's army for attempting to destroy the dam that the king h...Read more
August 30, 2003 • 25m
En-O concludes his tale of Tatsuyu and the Gen State rebellion.