July 11, 2003 • 22m
Evil's ""stomach"" gets ill one morning, forcing Boscov and Hector to stay in bed. However, when a world domination opportunity co...Read more
July 11, 2003 • 22m
Hector gets fed up with his army and dismisses them. He then asks Dr. Ghastly to build him a robot army. Skarr reprograms them to ...Read more
July 11, 2003 • 22m
Hector decides that all the Evil geniuses in the world are keeping each other from taking over the world so he decides to unite th...Read more
July 18, 2003 • 22m
The son of Hector and Major Doctor Ghastly which is Destructicus Con Carne is from the future and comes back to say hi but inciden...Read more
July 18, 2003 • 22m
Major Doctor Ghastly invents a new machine called the Cerebro-Ransmuter 2000, It can put Hector's brain into anyone's body, and Sk...Read more
July 18, 2003 • 22m
Con Carne's enemy Estroy builds a robot woman for Skarr who can't even see her metal skin or the bomb ticking. He than takes it ba...Read more
August 1, 2003 • 22m
The episode starts out with Hector turning the people of the world into his minions with a telemarketing scam. No sooner has this ...Read more
August 1, 2003 • 22m
Hector is in a tank while Boskov begs to go out. Dr. Ghastly leashes Boskov and takes him for a walk. Skar decides to take advanta...Read more
August 1, 2003 • 22m
This episode begins with Hector torturing Cod Commando in his undersea lair. Not heading a warning by Dr. Ghastly, Hector accident...Read more
August 15, 2003 • 22m
Skarr is evesdropping on Hector and Dr. Ghastly about their new secret weapon- a disenigration gun. Too their dismay Estroy comes ...Read more
August 15, 2003 • 22m
This is a mini musical. At first, Hector is singing about some of the things he adores. This leads into why he should take over th...Read more
August 15, 2003 • 22m
Major Dr. Ghastly captures an old friend of hers to force him to help her build a destruction machine.
August 22, 2003 • 22m
Major Doctor Ghastly invents the Temporal Confabulationater Izationizer Unit -- a time machine that works so well that Ghastly, He...Read more
August 22, 2003 • 22m
Rupert the Green-Nosed Reindeer saves Christmas when Hector Con Carne tries to ruin it.
September 5, 2003 • 22m
Dr. Ghastly discovers that Hector's face may still be intact and sends out a search party to get it. This episode also reveals how...Read more
September 5, 2003 • 22m
General Skarr accidentally walks through Major Doctor Ghastly's devolving ray and begins to revert to his primitive forms, includi...Read more
September 5, 2003 • 22m
General Skarr accidentally walks through Major Doctor Ghastly's devolving ray and begins to revert to his primitive forms, includi...Read more
November 1, 2003 • 22m
Hector Con Carne orders his staff mad scientist, Major Doctor Ghastly, to build him a new body after Boskov the Bear screws up Con...Read more
November 1, 2003 • 22m
Major Doctor Ghastly makes her latest world-domination device, but General Skarr, Con Carne's Chief of Staff, uses the giant robot...Read more
November 1, 2003 • 22m
Boskov is captured by park rangers and put in the zoo, where (true to form) Con Carne mobilizes the other captive bears to take over the world.
November 8, 2003 • 22m
General Skarr turns Con Carne in to the FBI when he finds out that Con Carne is "the World's 23rd Most Wanted" criminal with a lar...Read more
November 8, 2003 • 22m
Major Doctor Ghastly's latest version of a world-domination device is The Almighty Stink Ray, with which Con Carne threatens to st...Read more
November 8, 2003 • 22m
Major Doctor Ghastly's latest version of a world-domination device is The Almighty Stink Ray, with which Con Carne threatens to st...Read more
November 22, 2003 • 22m
Con Carne takes over a Mr. Rogers-type kiddie show in an attempt to rule the world by first winning over the children.
November 22, 2003 • 22m
Boskov goes into hibernation on the very day Con Carne has set for the invasion of the world. Con Carne gets away from the hiberna...Read more
November 22, 2003 • 22m
Boskov goes into hibernation on the very day Con Carne has set for the invasion of the world. Con Carne gets away from the hiberna...Read more