Series 2 (1981)

In Search of Athelstan

March 19, 1981

In this place, in 939, was buried the first king of all England. In his day a Norseman called him the greatest man in the European...Read more

In Search of Eric Bloodaxe

March 26, 1981

In this year—954—in a certain lonely place called Stainmore, King Erik was treacherously betrayed and killed, along with his son H...Read more

In Search of Ethelred the Unready

April 2, 1981

AD1001: In this year there were constant hostilities in England because of the Danish army and they harried and burned almost ever...Read more

In Search of William the Conqueror

April 9, 1981

1944: The greatest amphibious invasion in history lands on the Normandy beaches. Today the wreckage of war still stands in the sha...Read more