January 18, 2022 • 47m
Pam, who is 82 and has Alzheimer's, is brought in with suspected sepsis. 27-year old Theo has hurt his knee playing football.
January 25, 2022 • 47m
49-year-old Nasly is brought into A&E in a coma and with DKA, a life-threatening complication of diabetes. Charlie, who is 72 and ...Read more
February 1, 2022 • 47m
Katie, 46, is rushed to St George's by helicopter after her horse has fallen on top of her, resulting in multiple broken bones and...Read more
February 8, 2022 • 47m
Bipin, 75, is rushed to A&E after having a stroke. Myra, who is 80, bumped her head when she fell off her bike on her way home from playing tennis.
February 15, 2022 • 47m
15-year-old Meldred is rushed into A&E after being stabbed in the thigh by a stranger while walking to school. Sports commentator ...Read more
February 22, 2022 • 47m
Dad-to-be Josh, who is 27, has come off his motorbike at speed. Baby Phoenix has been sucking on a bleach tablet. Ross is in resus...Read more
March 8, 2022 • 47m
Colin is rushed to St George's after collapsing in his garage. Tony, 88, is in minor injuries with crippling pain in his fingers.
March 15, 2022 • 47m
15-year-old Gus has gone over the handlebars of his bike. Patricia, who is 73, in extreme pain due to a dislocated shoulder.