Season 2 (2004)

Everything Old Is New Again

January 3, 2004 • 8m

Three months after Tex's second attack on the Red Base, Medical Officer DuFresne ("Doc") arrives in Blood Gulch and contacts Blue ...Read more

Motion To Adjourn

April 1, 2004 • 8m

With the Reds continuing their attack, Church and Tucker argue over defense strategy. Despite his protest that he is only a medic,...Read more

Red vs Bleu

April 1, 2004 • 8m

The two teams negotiate terms. The Reds demand Lopez's return, but Church is loath to surrender his new body; instead, he cedes Do...Read more

The Joy of Toggling

April 1, 2004 • 8m

In order to repair Sheila, Church and Tucker try to determine how to activate the repair sequence in Church's robot body. Church o...Read more

Sweet Ride

April 1, 2004 • 8m

Sarge reveals that he had put a remote control in the Warthog to allow Lopez to drive it remotely. Meanwhile, Church, who cannot s...Read more

Last Words

April 1, 2004 • 8m

Tucker disconnects the wire that had connected to Church's switch, thereby stopping the beeping noise, but also disabling Church's...Read more

Nobody Likes You

April 1, 2004 • 8m

The Blues refuse to accept Doc back from the Reds, fearing that he might be spying for them. The Reds eventually give up and retur...Read more

Nine Tenths of the Law

April 1, 2004 • 8m

At the Red Base, Donut unsuccessfully attempts to engage Sarge in idle chatter while waiting for Simmons and Grif to return. The t...Read more

In Stereo Where Available

April 1, 2004 • 8m

Tucker and Caboose catch up to Lopez, who refuses to re-join them and instead orates at length about oppression and the advent of ...Read more

The Last Episode Ever

April 1, 2004 • 8m

* Released on April Fool's Day and the anniversary of Red vs. Blue's first episode, the episode begins with Grif and Donut crying...Read more

Radar Love

April 1, 2004 • 8m

The Blues convince Lopez to repair Sheila. As he works, Grif spies him through a sniper rifle and assumes that there is a "new" Bl...Read more

I Dream Of Meanie

April 1, 2004 • 8m

While Caboose talks to a now-confused Sheila, Tex reveals to the rest of the Blues that she had been watching them for some time a...Read more

Room For Rent

April 1, 2004 • 8m

Tex explains that everyone in Blood Gulch must turn off their radios so that O'Malley will be unable to jump into someone else's a...Read more

Me, Myself And You

April 1, 2004 • 8m

In Caboose's mind, Tex and Church meet Caboose's mental image of the latter — vulgar, insulting, and under the impression that he ...Read more

An Audience of Dumb

April 1, 2004 • 8m

Donut flees from the approaching Blues, but, still unable to brake, Tucker runs over Grif and the Warthog with Sheila. Tucker radi...Read more

Aftermath, Before Biology

April 1, 2004 • 8m

Disoriented from the events of the previous episode, Doc discovers a hovercraft in a cave and consults with Vic, who proves to be ...Read more

What's Mine Is Yours

April 1, 2004 • 8m

With O'Malley having previously killed Caboose's mental image of Church in episode 33, Church unsuccessfully tries to re-establish...Read more


April 1, 2004 • 8m

Caboose is jealous of the relationship between Lopez and Sheila, who are now refusing to work due to perceived poor treatment by t...Read more

Dealer Incentive

April 1, 2004 • 8m

The Blues attempt to interrogate Donut, without much success. Church then possesses Donut and, using him as a hostage and a puppet...Read more

K.I.T. B.F.F.

July 11, 2004 • 8m

Church discovers a note from Sheila and Lopez confirming that they have started a robot army. At the Red Base, Sarge unveils the t...Read more