June 25, 2008
Dark Matter - Turns out most of the universe is held together by a mysterious, invisible substance. Of Mice and Memory - Mice pla...Read more
July 2, 2008
Personal DNA Testing - Genetic testing to assess risk factors for a handful of serious illnesses is now commercially available. Bu...Read more
July 9, 2008
Saving Hubble - Two teams of spacewalkers take on the risky mission of reviving the ailing Space Telescope. First Primates - Our ...Read more
July 16, 2008
Bird Brains - Clues to the origins of human language are turning up in the brains of birds. Space Storms - Behind the dazzling di...Read more
July 23, 2008
Leeches - A century after falling out of favor, medicinal leeches are back in hospitals, sucking away on patients' wounds. SETI -...Read more
July 30, 2008
Phoenix Mars Lander - NASA's latest robot has already found frozen water and is looking for more signs that the Red Planet could s...Read more
August 6, 2008
Aging - Will research into "longevity genes" help us live longer and healthier lives? Space Elevator - Can we build a 22,000-mile...Read more
August 13, 2008
Mass Extinction - What caused the mother of all extinctions 250 million years ago? 1918 Flu - A virus that killed up to 50 millio...Read more
August 20, 2008
Asteroid - Will a doomsday rock the size of the Rose Bowl hit Earth in 2036? Island of Stability - Follow the decades-long quest ...Read more
August 20, 2008
T-Rex Blood? - Preserved soft tissue, including possible blood vessels and red blood cells, are turning up in dinosaur fossils. E...Read more