Season 1 (2005)

Mirror Neurons, Hurricanes, Sand Dunes

January 25, 2005

Topics include: Getting worked up over mirror neurons, new tools for predicting hurricanes, the sounds that sand dunes make, and a...Read more

3-Foot Humans, T. Rex, Stem Cells

April 19, 2005

Featured segments include: the discovered remains of three-foot-tall humans on the island of Flores, a look at how T. Rex got to b...Read more

Hydrogen Cars, Petunias, Glaciers

July 26, 2005

Featured segments include: the future of hydrogen fuel cell cars, the discovery of medical potential within a petunia, a fast movi...Read more

Life in the Lab, Lightning, Fish Surgery

October 18, 2005

Featured segments include: scientists making life in the lab, lightning that may be triggered by cosmic rays, a profile of neurosc...Read more

Tenth Planet, Twin Primes, Bird Flu

January 10, 2006

Featured segments include: a possible tenth planet in our solar system, the twin prime conjecture, a possible reappearance of the ...Read more