September 7, 1992
Jared runs for school president without knowing the issues.
January 1, 1970
The kids help with the PTA show at school.
September 10, 1992
NIcole fears her father is going to lose his job after her friend Celeste discovers her father lost his job.
September 13, 1992
Jared's granmother coes to visit.
September 13, 1992
Kenny's siter Ellen comes from college for a visit. Kenny starts acting funny as he trys to be like his more academic sister.
September 14, 1992
Ana writes a mystery for English class.
September 17, 1992
Kids Inc try to get ticket for the Paul Rodriguez concert.
September 20, 1992
Jared and Halie go into the clothing business.
September 21, 1992
Flip makes a commerical wiht Kids Inc.
October 7, 1992
Kenny doesn't know what to do when he recieves and invitation to a party and the rest of the kids don't.
October 10, 1992
Halie's friend, Casey develops a crush on her.
October 11, 1992
Jared takes ballet classes to impress a girl.
October 17, 1992
Nicole tries to organize a town clean up and gets no help from the city. Kenny tries to cheer her up by telling her the story of a...Read more