October 4, 1999 • 29m
It is the mid-Triassic period, an the sun is setting on the age of reptiles. Once the most dominant lifeform on the planet, reptil...Read more
October 11, 1999 • 29m
It is the late Jurassic, and dinosaurs rule the land. At the height of this reign, sauropods are the dominate herbivore on Earth. ...Read more
October 18, 1999 • 29m
Dinosaurs may rule the land, but it's a different story in the oceans. Marine reptiles dominate the seas. A school of female Optha...Read more
October 25, 1999 • 29m
Reptiles not only rule the seas, but the skies as well. This is the time of the pterosaurs, flying reptiles that dominate the Cret...Read more
November 1, 1999 • 29m
In the mid-Cretaceous, Australia, Antarctica, and South America are still connected in one super continent. This is a time when th...Read more
November 8, 1999 • 29m
The year is 65.5 million BC, and the time is 11:59pm for the dinosaurs. Volcanic activity has begun to choke the land, and dinosau...Read more