Season 7 (2015)

Home Invasion Manhunt

February 11, 2015 • 1h

Investigating illegal fur trappers in the Denali wilderness; a hunter using unlawful bait; a residential fire with ammunition inside the home.

Hairy Threat

February 18, 2015 • 1h

The show features a dog saved from wildlife and a hunt for dangerous wild lynx.

Extreme Drug Busts

February 18, 2015 • 1h

In this episode of Alaska State Troopers, manhunts, foot chases and big-time arrests abound as the troopers bust Alaska’s worst drug offenders.

2-For-1 Takedown

February 25, 2015 • 1h

After a long winter, Alaskans greet the emerging spring full throttle and for the most competitive among them, spring means one th...Read more

Fearless on the Front Lines

February 25, 2015 • 1h

From subduing enraged maniacs to fighting crime in the farthest reaches of the state, the Alaska State Troopers are there to respo...Read more

Contraband & Kitchen Knives

March 4, 2015 • 1h

Alaska State Troopers have to be willing to roll with the punches — there’s no such thing as an ordinary day on patrol. In this ep...Read more

Alaska's Most Wanted

March 4, 2015 • 1h

Follow one of the toughest law enforcement agencies in the nation, patrolling alone on unforgiving terrains. Responding by land, a...Read more


March 11, 2015 • 1h

Alaska is the largest state in the U.S., which means Troopers have their work cut out for them when it comes to hunting down crimi...Read more

Rock-Throwing Rampage

March 18, 2015 • 1h

Troopers scramble to rescue lost snowmobilers, help a stranded citizen, and recover a frozen body, lost to the harshness of the terrain.

Dead-End Deranged

March 25, 2015 • 1h

Follow the Alaska State Troopers as they are swept into a high-speed chase with a dangerous and wanted man and must think on their...Read more

Cliff Top Chaos

April 1, 2015 • 1h

A woman stranded on a cliff is rescued.

Drugged, Drunk and Deranged

April 8, 2015 • 1h

Ride along through the troopers' ups and downs to see what it really means to be a protector of the people. Troopers respond to on...Read more

Asleep At The Wheel

April 15, 2015 • 1h

Trooper Noll gets a horrific call that a car has rolled off a cliff and into a stream up on a mountain pass. Up north in Fairbanks...Read more