Season 3 (2010)

A Time for Secrets (September 28, 1941)

November 28, 2010 • 50m

Marcel and the communist militants conduct a resistance operation but it goes wrong and the French police catch Suzanne.

Our Father (October 17, 1941)

November 28, 2010 • 50m

While the communist group plans their next move, Daniel comes to Marcel with urgent news.

The Stakeout (October 19, 1941)

December 5, 2010 • 50m

Lucienne is preoccupied with the news of her pregnancy, and seeks spiritual guidance before making a serious decision.

If I Were Free (October 20, 1941)

December 5, 2010 • 50m

Suzanne and Marcel are caught in a random roundup of villagers and brought in to be questioned by the Germans.

Choice of Weapons (October 23, 1941)

December 12, 2010 • 50m

Daniel investigates the disappearance of food supplies to Villeneuve with the help of De Kevern.

The Blue Java (October 25, 1941)

December 12, 2010 • 50m

The German police have put Marcel under surveillance in an attempt to discover his militants’ network.

One Chance Out of Two (October 26, 1941)

December 19, 2010 • 50m

Marcel and the communist militants put their plan to assassinate the German Commander into effect.

The Choice (October 27, 1941)

December 19, 2010 • 50m

In response to the shooting of two officers, the Germans insist that 20 French hostages be executed in reprisal.

What Is Your Name? (October 28, 1941)

December 26, 2010 • 50m

Yvon is arrested by Heinrich Müller, but refuses to denounce his fellow comrades.

For the Sake of Love (October 29, 1941)

December 26, 2010 • 50m

Marcel decides to risk it all and go see his son at Daniel’s after he falls ill.

The Traitor (October 31, 1941)

January 2, 2011 • 50m

Daniel is arrested by Heinrich after helping Marcel escape.

Settling Scores (October 31, 1941)

January 2, 2011 • 50m

Marcel is now faced with a crucial decision on whether to follow orders or disobey them.